Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday - April 30th - May 2nd
3 day workshop with NOAPS event judge, Dawn Whitelaw - 'Reaching the next level'
$475 which includes on-line mentor-ship for 6 weeks following the workshop

Thursday, May 3rd Paint-out from 9 - 3
The Chestnut Group, Nashville's plein air painters group, has invited NOAPS aritsts to join them in painting in beautiful Nashville. Leiper’s Creek Gallery, 4144 Old Hillsboro Road, Franklin TN.

Thursday, May 3rd Dinner at 6 PM
Group dinner at Amerigo's restaurant
1656 Westgate Circle, Nashville

This restaurant features a variety of Italian specialties with local inspiration. Attendees will be able to order from the regular menu with separate checks.
Friday May 4th - NOAPS artist demonstrations
All demonstrations will be held at:
Warehouse 521
521 Heather Place, Nashville, TN
demos will be held from 9 - 4 with a break for lunch at noon -1
please park in the gravel parking lot in front of Row Printing

Cheng Lian

J Russell Wells

Patricia Tribastone
To attend this event, registration is required here. After completing the sign up you will also need to purchase a demonstrations ticket which is $30 for Members and $50 for non-members (This gives you access to all
demonstrations Friday & Saturday).

Non-Member Demonstration Pass

Member Demonstration Pass
Friday May 4th - OPENING RECEPTION AND AWARDS from 5-8
Richland Fine Art Gallery

Saturday, May 5th - 1 - 4:30 pm
Master Artist Demonstrations at Richland Fine Art Gallery.
Dawn Whitelaw is a nationally known award-winning artist and instructor located near Nashville, TN. She is a Master artist with the American Impressionist Society, and most recently was awarded American Art Collector’s Master Award of Excellence at the AIS Annual Juried Exhibition in 2017. Dawn is also the Awards Juror for the NOAPS 1st Spring SMALL PAINTING National Juried Exhibition.

Dawn Whitelaw

John Michael Carter is a well known, award winning artist from the Chicago area. He has exhibited widely throughout the United States, and done numerous portrait commissions for politicians and other distinguished persons. He is also a workshop instructor, as well as a Master Artist with the Oil Painters of America, and also serves as president of that organization.
Mr. Carter will demonstrate his portrait oil painting technique alongside fellow artist Dawn Whitelaw. Attendees will witness his classical training and technique while he paints from a live model. There will also be ample time for questions and answers.
John Michael Carter