awards judge

Deborah is a Canadian painter living on Vancouver Island on the West Coast of British Columbia. I grew up in Alberta and lived in England for many years before settling in BC. I am a signature member of the Federation of Canadian Artists and the American Artists Professional League and a Master in the Oil Painters of America.
I became a painter by way of being an observer –always noticing light and shadow, shapes, texture, composition and colour, and endeavoring to interpret those observations through painting has been a lifelong passion.
I am initially drawn to the light and shadow in the landscape and my intention is to be relatively faithful to the colour and light that nature so beautifully provides while experimenting and playing with the paint application.
I find that striving to accomplish this goal never ceases to be fascinating and deeply fulfilling.
award winners
best in show

They Say He's Homeless No.2 / Ni Zhu
second place

Hanging amaranthus/ Loren DiBenedeto
best portrait

Hovering/ Rufang Bi
best composition

Sunset on Cypress Swamp/ Suzanne Shelden
third place

Things Are Piling Up/ Henry Bosak
best realism

Silent Prayer/ Evee Erb
best technique & handling

Dear Danny.../ Rosanne Cerbo
best use of light & color

A Tribute to Adeline/ Lynette Cook
best landscape

Twisp River/ Joan Hitchcock
best still life

Tool Box/ Larry Preston
best impressionism

Buoy Raising/ Steven Roberson
best narrative

Heading Home/ Ridgely Francisco
best use of values

Papillons/ Sandra Kuck
awards of excellence
merit awards

"Artist: Yang Dong -CA Price: $6000 Dimensions: 28x30x Medium: Oil Website: www.dongyang.art"

"Artist: Cher Anderson -AZ Price: $9500 Dimensions: 24x36x Medium: Acrylics Website: www.cherscreations.com

"Artist: CATHY Weiss -GA Price: $4000 Dimensions: 20x30x1.5 Medium: Oil Website: "

"Artist: LAURIE Meyer -SC Price: $6700 Dimensions: 30x48x1.5 Medium: Oil Website: www.lauriemeyer.com"

"Artist: Monique Chartier -KS Price: $600 Dimensions: 9x12x Medium: Oil Website: "

"Artist: A. Lewis Burridge -NC Price: $ Dimensions: 20x24x0.75 Medium: Acrylics Website:

"Artist: Nancy Calder -ONTARIO Price: $1100 Dimensions: 12x18x1.5 Medium: Oil Website: nancycalder.com

"Artist: DOUG Clarke -VA Price: $3000 Dimensions: 24x18x Medium: Oil Website: www.liquidmethod.com"

"Artist: ANNETTE Hammer -MO Price: $7500 Dimensions: 18x24x0.3 Medium: Oil Website: annettehammerart.com"

"Artist: SUE Krzyston -AZ Price: $7500 Dimensions: 30x24x Medium: Oil Website: www.suekrzyston.com"

"Artist: Steve Wohler -OH Price: $ Dimensions: 12x16x Medium: Oil Website: www.stevewohler.com"

"Artist: JEREMY Goodding -NE Price: $ Dimensions: 30x24x Medium: Oil Website: "

"Artist: ADDREN Doss -NC Price: $6300 Dimensions: 24x30x2.5 Medium: Oil Website: www.addrendoss.com"

"Artist: LARA Restelli -FL Price: $4300 Dimensions: 18x24x3 Medium: Oil Website: www.lararestelli.com"

"Artist: Cathy Johnson -MD Price: $7000 Dimensions: 24x48x Medium: Oil Website: https://cathyjohnsonart.net/"

"Artist: Christine Code -SASKATCHEWAN Price: $5400 Dimensions: 32x40x1.5 Medium: Oil Website: www.christinecode.com
accepted artists

selection process
Each entry will be displayed on the NOAPS website on the Associate Member Online Exhibition page.
IMPORTANT: The Judge of Awards makes selections based on the image entered. Make sure the image depicts a true representation of the painting. Each image should display the painting only; no frame or mat. The image should be properly oriented; please make sure your image is right side up.
The paintings may be for sale or not for sale. All sales will be conducted through the artist, and no commission is due to NOAPS.
Applications Dates: April 15, 2024 to June 14, 2024 at midnight Pacific Time
Publication on website: July 17, 2024
Your participation and support of the NATIONAL OIL & ACRYLIC PAINTERS’ SOCIETY is greatly appreciated. We wish you success in this event and may all your art career goals be met !
Please email contact@NOAPS.org
The National Oil & Acrylic Painter’s Society (NOAPS)