awards judge

Ann Kraft Walker is a member of the Portrait Society of America, The International Guild of Realism, a signature member of Oil Painters of America and National Oil and Acrylic Painters Society and an elected member of Allied Artists of America. Her work has been shown in numerous juried and invitational shows, earning multiple awards. Her paintings have been featured in various magazines and publications, including Southwest Art,( featured on the cover in December 2014), Fine Art Connoisseur, American Art Collector, International Artist and Western Art Collector. Her work is represented by InSight Gallery in Fredericksburg, TX.
Annie lives in the Texas Hill Country with her husband Rick and golden retriever Moses.
" What a privilege it is to be involved in this never-ending pursuit of painting. Any shred of talent I possess is a gift from God and a reflection of His grace."
selection process
Each entry will be displayed on the NOAPS website on the Associate Member Online Exhibition page.
IMPORTANT: The Judge of Awards makes selections based on the image entered. Make sure the image depicts a true representation of the painting. Each image should display the painting only; no frame or mat. The image should be properly oriented; please make sure your image is right side up.
The paintings may be for sale or not for sale. All sales will be conducted through the artist, and no commission is due to NOAPS.
Applications Dates: April 17, 2023 to July 14, 2023 at midnight Pacific Time
Publication on website: August 14, 2023
Your participation and support of the NATIONAL OIL & ACRYLIC PAINTERS’ SOCIETY is greatly appreciated. We wish you success in this event and may all your art career goals be met !
Please email contact@NOAPS.org
The National Oil & Acrylic Painter’s Society (NOAPS)

accepted artists

award winners
best in show

Drummer / Yuehua He
second place

Repose/ Daqian Zhang
best portrait

The Sunshine of March/ Jianwei Wu
best composition

A Welcome Response/ Katriel Srebnik
best use of values

third place

Meditation Man No. 2/ Junhe Zhu
best realism

Free Calls/ Henry Bosak
best technique & handling

Spring Reception/ Jeremy Gooding
best landscape

My Dreams Remember/ Bob Gheradi
Daydreaming/ Lynette Cook
best still life

Waiting For The Milkman/ Susan Jarvis
best impressionism

With Friends/ Chantel Barber
best narrative

Pamirs dance/ Zuocun Hou
best use of light and color

Be Still My Heart/ Cathryne Trachok
awards of excellence
merit awards

"Artist: Christine Code -SASKATCHEWAN Price: $4400 Materials: oil painting on canvas Dimensions: 48 x 36 x 1.5 Website: www.christinecode.com"

"Artist: James Vose -MN Price: $0 Materials: oil on panel Dimensions: 12 x 12 x 1 Website: jamesavosefineart.com"

"Artist: Nora Dempsey -TX Price: $2500 Materials: Oil Dimensions: 14 x 18 x 0.25 Website: www.noradempsey.com"

"Artist: Dustin Klassen -WV Price: $2500 Materials: Oil on Panel Dimensions: 20 x 16 x 1 Website: "

"Artist: Sherry Roper -CA Price: $0 Materials: Oil on Linen Dimensions: 16 x 20 x 1 Website: www.sherryroper.com"

"Artist: Ran Wu -CA Price: $0 Materials: Oil on Panel Dimensions: 10 x 8 x 0.1 Website: http://www.ranwuart.com

"Artist: Jenny Berry -FL Price: $3600 Materials: Oil on Canvas Dimensions: 30 x 24 x 1.5 Website: jennyberry.com"

"Artist: BRIAN BURT -OH Price: $0 Materials: oil on panel Dimensions: 16 x 12 x 0 Website: www.bmburt.com

"Artist: Brian McClear -CT Price: $7500 Materials: Oil Dimensions: 48 x 48 x 1.5 Website: http://mcclearart.com/"

Artist: Chiachen Wang -CA Price: $0 Materials: linen Dimensions: 115 x 57.5 x 3 Website: https://www.chiachenart.com

"Artist: Sherrie Levine -TN Price: $995 Materials: oil on linen Dimensions: 12 x 12 x 0 Website: "

"Artist: Xiaomang Gu -CHONGQING Price: $0 Materials: linen Dimensions: 200 x 260 x 5 Website: "

"Artist: LOREN DIBENEDETTO -NC Price: $4000 Materials: Oil on linen Dimensions: 20 x 24 x 1.5 Website: lorendibenedetto.com"

"Artist: Timothy Pross -IA Price: $0 Materials: Acrylic on Masonite Dimensions: 36 x 60 x 0.25 Website: www.prosswildlifeart.com"

"Artist: Nancy Calder -ONTARIO Price: $1650 Materials: Oil on wood panel Dimensions: 20 x 16 x 1.5 Website: nancycalder.com