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best of america small works 2023

Mary Williams Fine Art Gallery will be hosting 

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about the event

Celebrating its 6th Best of America Small Works International Juried Exhibition in 2023, the National Oil & Acrylic Painters’ Society (NOAPS) invites oil and acrylic painters from all across North America and International Artists to apply to our exhibit honoring the BEST in oil and acrylic  painting. NOAPS has been showcasing the talents of oil and acrylic painters since 1991.

Opening & Awards Reception: Thursday, May 18, 2023


Best of show: $3,000, over $23,000 cash and sponsor awards

Exhibition dates: May 18-June 17, 2023

Application Dates: December 1, 2022 – February 28, 2023 Midnight PST

Notification Date: April 3, 2023

artist eligibility 

All NOAPS members: 18 years of age or older residing in the United States, Canada and

Mexico. Other International NOAPS Member artists may apply but please take into consideration shipping and custom fees since this is a gallery show.


  • The Best of America SMALL WORKS National Juried Exhibition is a juried competition open to current members of NOAPS.

  • The 2023 annual membership is $52 and can be paid when entering this exhibit or through the Membership Link at

entry process

All entries will be submitted via Juried Art Services (JAS)

JAS is a free service and provides a comprehensive ‘Help’ menu. NOAPS is also available to help with procedural problems. Email: for assistance.

  • Digital files should be saved in universal .jpeg format for JAS entry and should be between 1400 pixels and 4000 pixels longest dimension at 300PPI (pixels per inch).  Please crop your image to include ONLY the painting; no frame or other background should appear in your image.

  • Art work must be original two dimensional with mediums limited to oil and acrylic paints

  • Completed in the last three (3) years

  • Not previously accepted in any other NOAPS Exhibit (including NOAPS Best of America National Exhibitions, Fall and Spring International Online Top 200, and Associate Online Exhibition).

  • Maximum size of the art excluding frame shall not exceed 320 square inches (Example: 16 x 20 in= 320 square inches).

NOAPS is dedicated to exhibiting excellent works of fine art which promote the artist’s artistic ability, vision and creativity within the traditional art forms of oil and acrylic painting. In this respect All artwork should be original and created from conception to completion by the artist’s own hand in Oil and/or Acrylic only. Artists are permitted to use their own photos as reference materials in the creation of their artwork, but not photos from other sources. No mixed media, painted giclee prints, painted over photographs, or any other type of digital or photographic reproductions in conjunction with the Oil & Acrylic qualify. No artwork copied from other artists work or published photos, or created in an instructional setting are eligible.


The annual 2023 NOAPS membership of $52 is required. If you are not currently a member pay     the membership fee through the membership link at or when entering this exhibit.


  • The annual membership is valid from January 1st to December 31st of each year.

  • To verify if you are a current 2023 NOAPS Member, please  log in to your member profile  and check the icon for your next renewal date


The fee to enter is $35 for the first image and $10 for each additional image UP TO A MAXIMUM OF 5 IMAGES.

  • Example: maximum of five (5) entries= $75 plus current 2023 NOAPS membership ($52) if not already paid. Payment may be made by Pay Pal or Credit Card.  Entry fees are non-refundable.

awards judge panel

Denise Antaya
Cynthia Feustel
Tim Breaux
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Her roadmap to success avoids highways, and that’s the way she likes it.

Growing up in the country makes her appreciate the simple things, the beauty in nature. She didn’t spend her childhood on the highway, but back roads in the countryside, sometimes following a slow moving tractor. She took time to enjoy the sunshine, the surrounding fields, the shapes of the clouds in the sky. These are things that formed her love of landscapes. The everyday themes in Denise Antaya’s oil paintings combine her love of nature and her fascination with light and how it transforms an often overlooked scene. Her subjects range from season to season but almost always represent the natural environment untouched by man. She has the ability to capture a moment and even transport one back to a quieter, simpler time.


Her process starts with an underpainting, called a brunaille. It’s meticulously rendered, as the most important part of the process. Here the composition, value structure and drawing is sorted out, before the complication of colour is added. It’s a lot easier to change it at this stage in the process. No amount of paint can correct a bad drawing or poor composition. It’s the foundation needed to create a successful painting. Once she determines that everything is where it needs to be, she adds colour. Her plein air paintings work hand in hand with her studio work. Being out in nature where you see the nuances of colour help compensate for the drawbacks of photography when used.


To Antaya, painting the landscape is relevant. Everyone can appreciate nature, but it’s not the only reason she does this. It’s a way to document “how it was”. She loves the beauty of nature, unchanged by man, but the environment is being forever changed. Farms are being bought for development, old barns torn down, hundred year old trees disappearing. It’s a way to remember, often brings back simpler times when the world was not so fast paced. It’s a visual reminder of where we were, and also sometimes of where we are heading. The landscape is a never ending source of inspiration, one that will never end with its ever changing moods and complications.

It’s a lifetime endeavour she hopes to never master!

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CYNTHIA FEUSTEL is a traditional oil painter and portrait artist who has painted the human face and figure for over twenty years. She studied art at Penn State University before receiving her degree in Fashion Illustration from the Art Institute of Pittsburgh. After following a career in graphic design she turned her attention to the fine art of classical oil painting.


Whether capturing an introspective moment of a figure or the quiet stillness in an arrangement of treasured objects, the subjects in her paintings are sensitively rendered inviting viewers into the narratives she portrays. Mastery of light, color, and composition paired with emotionally evocative moods has garnered her work significant awards. She recently received Master Signature status in American Women Artists and is a Signature member in NOAPS and Oil Painter’s of America. Her work has been featured in national art publications and exhibited in galleries and museums across the United States. She is represented by McBride Gallery in Annapolis, MD.


Largely self-taught and fueled by the belief that one should never stop learning, Feustel is eager to share her knowledge and experience by mentoring others in the classical traditions of oil painting. She works full-time as a commissioned portrait artist, oil painter and teacher in her Colorado Springs studio.

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Tim Breaux is an artist, author, and pharmacist.   Inspired by works of The Hudson River School and the French Barbizon movement, his paintings are rooted in realism with an appreciation for those artists that have gone before us; their works, legacy, and message. 


His work has been featured in numerous magazine articles, one man shows and invitational events across the United States.  His recent book, The Secret Language of Successful Artists, explores the way we understand and paint the world we see. 


"No art is original - it is a copy or interpretation of the original work provided by the ultimate artist and creator, God.   While I enjoy studying the work of other artist and their interpretation of nature I ultimately return to the original work created by God where I can smell the air and drink the water and be in His presence. He is the only teacher that can give us all we need; the material, inspiration and ability.   I attend His workshop as often as I can.”

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Awards Judge 2023 BOA Small

award winners

best in show


Taiwanese Gangster/ Pavel Sokov

second place


third place


Beauty and the Beast/ Liane Whittum

Little Miss Bubbly/ Brian Burt

most original


A Quiet Moment with Tea and Monet/ Debra Cooper

best painting by a signature/master artist


Devotion/ Lisa Price

best landscape

best painting by an associate artist


A Woman Laying on Her Back/ Lihuai He

Joined at the Hip/ Robert Simone

best still life


Field of Gold/ Arena Shawn

best figure/portrait


Spotlight/ Hilary Swingle

best realism


Shadow Dancing/ Robin Williamson

best impressionism


Twilight in Taos/ Robin Cheers

best composition


Introspection/ Patrick McGannon

best narrative


The Truth is in the Middle/ Jose Pardo

best use of light & color


best use of values


A Cherished Moment/ John Pototschnik

Tibetan Boy/ Jian Wu

best technique & handling


Duet/ Lynette Cook

awards of excellence

merit awards

2023 small BOA award winners

accepted artists

Accepted Artists 2023 Small BOA

selection process

Each entry is reviewed and scored by an independent Selection jury panel. The Jurying Panel will consist of a minimum of 5 NOAPS Master or Signature Members. The panel selects paintings for the exhibit based on the quality and individual mastery of the medium. IMPORTANT: Jurors in the panel make selections based on the image entered (make sure the image depicts a true representation of the painting). Jurors score the image only and do not see any information about the artist.


NOAPS Best Of America Small Works International Juried Exhibition AWARDS

Awards include: Best of Show $3,000, $23,000 cash and sponsor awards


Signature and Master Artist Guild Qualifying Update

Both Best of America National shows starting in 2019 count for Signature Status

  • 6 points total over 5 years are needed to qualify for Signature Status

  • Acceptance into the "Best of America International Juried Exhibition" will count for 1 point per year

  • Acceptance into the 'Best of America' Small Works International Juried Exhibition will count for 1 point

  • One point for 1st, 2nd or 3rd place in the Associate Online

  • A maximum of 2-3 points attainable per year

  • After Signature Status is achieved, the awarded artist may use the initials NOAPS on original works of art and in their correspondence.

Master Artist Membership: Master Qualification begins AFTER the show in which Signature status is attained. Master Artist Membership is awarded to active members, whose dues are current.

Both “Best of America International Juried Exhibitions” starting in 2018 count for Master Status

  • when a Signature Artist receives three (3) TOP Master Qualifier Awards in a five (5) year period in the “Best of America National Juried Exhibitions” they are now qualified to make a submission to the Masters jury committee headed up by NOAPS Master Artist, Cheng Lian

  • Email – title the email “Masters Submission”

  • Please submit: 10 original artwork images, Biography and any published articles or related achievements

  • These TOP Qualifier Awards will be clearly identified as Masters Qualifier Awards before the start of the Best of America Exhibits. They include Best of show, 1st, 2nd, and all “Best of” category awards.

  • With 2 International exhibitions per year, there will be 10 opportunities in a 5 year period to qualify for Master.

  • Upon approval of the Master designation, the awarded artist may use the initials NOAPSM on original works of art and in their correspondence. This honor is awarded for life, unless forfeited by nonpayment of annual dues or resignation.

selection notification

Artists selected for the Exhibition will be notified by email from Juried Art Services. An up to date email address is essential for notification.  Please be sure that your contact information in your Juried Art Services account is correct.
art accepted for the exhibit

Upon receipt of the accepted paintings at the exhibit location, NOAPS and the Gallery retain the right to refuse to display and/or allow award judging due to: technical inaccuracy, misrepresentation, inadequate framing, or damage from improper packaging.

  • FRAMING: Gallery quality wood frames and finished (painted) edge gallery wrap are acceptable

  •  NOAPS strongly recommends Strong Boxes from Airfloat Systems. (they provide a 20% discount to NOAPS members, promo code NOAPS). Similar shipping container can also be accepted. All art received and displayed will not be returned until after the exhibit has closed.

IMPORTANT: Once accepted, failure to send the accepted artwork to the exhibit will result on a two

(2) year disqualification period for the artist.  Artwork must remain at the exhibit until the end of the show, unless released for sale by the gallery.

  • If the artwork is sold after acceptance but before shipping it to the exhibit, artist must contact NOAPS ( The artwork should still be sent to the gallery, and commission should be paid to the art gallery.

  • Selected paintings will be showcased on, in the NOAPS Blog, and in NOAPS Social Media.

  • By entering, entrants are consenting to having a reproduction of their work used for promotion of the NOAPS Exhibits. You are confirming the work entered is your own and images from other sources incorporated in your work have not been used.


All entries must be for sale. Paintings of all price ranges are accepted. Entrants price their work and should closely represent the established market value of the artist’s work. The price entered on the Juried Artist Services application form will be the price for the duration of the exhibit.

Every reasonable care will be exercised with all artwork. NOAPS, The Gallery, and any other organization or individual connected with the exhibition will not be responsible for loss or damage of artwork while in transit. By entering this exhibit, the applicant agrees to the terms and conditions of the prospectus.


The artist will receive 55% of the selling price, with the remainder split at 45% to the hosting gallery.



**Artwork must be ready to hang with wire hanging materials strong enough to support the painting.  No other hanging materials, including sawtooth hangers will be accepted.  NOAPS and the Gallery reserve the right to refuse any artwork that does not conform to the above standards or does not conform to the eligibility standards outlined in the prospectus.  Any refused artwork will be returned at the expense of the artist.

**Attach the NOAPS ARTWORK LABEL to the top on the back of your painting.  (See below to print the label).  Every reasonable care will be exercised with all artwork.  NOAPS, the Gallery, and any other organization or individual connected with the exhibition will not be responsible for loss or damage of artwork while in transit.  We recommend artists insure their artwork while in transit.

The paintings must arrive between May 1-8, 2023

Include in the shipping container:

  1. Return shipping label.  FedEx or UPS (label is created by the shipping agent).  To create a return shipping label: If using UPS, open an account, and then use their online program to “Create a return”. Enter all the information and print the label but do not schedule a pickup. Enclose the return label in an envelope for the gallery, or email the return shipping label to  There are no charges until the UPS driver picks up the parcel and scans the return shipping label. ***Artwork will not be hung without a return shipping label.  No Express Return Shipping as shipper will not pick parcel up from the gallery.  UPS or FedEx Ground return shipping only.

  2. $25 check made payable to the Mary Williams Fine Art Gallery for unpacking and repacking fees.  No COD’s.

  3. Hand deliveries do not require a handling fee.

  4. NOAPS Artwork label (see below to print) attached to the back of the painting for identification.

  5. IMPORTANT: Shipping from OUTSIDE the USA must be shipped FREE DOMICILE or they will not be accepted.  International artists please check all shipping restrictions and custom regulations before shipping.  All Duties and Taxes must be paid by the Artist.  .

  6. Canadian Artists who need assistance with shipping please contact Ober-Rae Livingstone at

  7. Clearly mark the outside of your box with your name and address.

  8. Use bubble wrap and clear plastic sheeting for moisture and temperature protection. Protect the face of your painting with foamcore or cardboard between the bubble wrap or plastic and the surface of the painting.  No packing peanuts.

  9. Shipping boxes by Airfloat Systems (800-445-2580) are highly recommended.  Airfloat Systems offers discounts to NOAPS members.  Use code NOAPS with Airfloat Systems to receive a 20% discount.  Masterpak and Uline art boxes are also acceptable.


Shipping Address:


Mary Williams Fine Arts

5311 Western Ave. Unit 112

Boulder, Colorado 80301


Applications Dates: December 1, 2022-February 28, 2023

Notifications: April 3, 2023

Artwork arrival ship dates: May 1-May 8, 2023

Shipping Address for artwork:

Mary Williams Fine Arts

5311 Western Ave. Unit 112

Boulder, CO 80301


Opening Week Program: Events to be listed at

Opening Reception: May 18, 2023

Exhibit Closing: June 17, 2023

Your participation and support of the NATIONAL OIL & ACRYLIC PAINTERS’ SOCIETY is greatly appreciated. We wish you success in this event and may all your art career goals be met! GOOD LUCK!!


Please email to

The National Oil & Acrylic Painter’s Society







Shipping 2022 BOA small
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