awards judge
Tom Altenburg/

Tom Altenburg is a Master Artist Member of NOAPS. He is also a signature artist member of the Society of Animal Artists and Artists for Conservation. Tom worked as an artist and designer with Hallmark Cards, Inc. for 37 years.
His acrylic paintings have been exhibited in numerous national shows and he was a featured artist on Missouri Outdoors, a PBS program sponsored by the Missouri Department of Conservation. Tom has also been a featured artist in Horses in Art Magazine, American Artist Magazine, and Art of the West.
He feels that one of the highlights of his career was creating Star Wars art for George Lucas.
Tom also enjoys teaching art classes in his local community.
accepted artists

award winners
best in show

Jazz Club/ Jing Zhao
second place

Morning Light/ Jian Wu
best people

Teahouse Series - Go Here/ Anjian Chen
third place

Joy to the World/ Lee Alban
best landscape

Just a Wild and Crazy Sky/ Jeff Ripple
best use of light and colour
best still life

Kitchen Corner/ Michael Gilmour
Memories of Mom/ Juan Cantavella
most innovative

Nullius in Verba/ Rob Rey
narrative excellence

Floating/ Dana Lombardo
awards of excellence

"Artist: Li Bing Mu -BEIJING Price: 2000 Dimensions: 50.00 x 50.00 x 0.50 Centimeters Medium: Oil Website: "

"Artist: LINGHUI WANG -TX Price: 3600 Dimensions: 28.00 x 22.00 x 0.00 Inches Medium: Oil Website: http://lwang.faso.com/"

"Artist: Sherry Park -ON Price: 6000 Dimensions: 60.00 x 40.00 x 1.50 Inches Medium: Oil Website: sherrypark.ca"

"Artist: Monica Mendes -FL Price: 2500 Dimensions: 26.00 x 32.00 x 2.00 Inches Medium: Oil Website: www.monicamendesart.com"

"Artist: JEREMY GOODDING -NE Price: 14750 Dimensions: 38.00 x 30.00 x 0.00 Inches Medium: Oil Website: "

"Artist: Jan DeLipsey -NM Price: 1850 Dimensions: 16.00 x 12.00 x 0.00 Inches Medium: Oil Website: jdelipsey.com"

"Artist: Janet Clingerman Hsiao -MA Price: 3000 Dimensions: 24.00 x 20.00 x 1.25 Inches Medium: Acrylics Website: www.janetclingermanhsiao.com"

"Artist: Min Chen - Price: 3800 Dimensions: 60.00 x 40.00 x 3.00 Centimeters Medium: Oil Website:

"Artist: LINDA BESSE -WA Price: 1400 Dimensions: 7.50 x 13.50 x 0.25 Inches Medium: Oil Website: www.besseart.com

"Artist: Blair Atherholt -PA Price: 8750 Dimensions: 24.50 x 17.25 x 0.00 Inches Medium: Oil Website: www.blairatherholtart.com"
merit awards

"Artist: Steve Wilda -MA Price: 8000 Dimensions: 23.00 x 18.00 x 1.00 Inches Medium: Acrylics Website: steve wilda.com"

"Artist: Li Volk -FL Price: 4700 Dimensions: 20.00 x 16.00 x 1.75 Inches Medium: Oil Website: "

"Artist: Pavel Sokov -QUEBEC Price: 50000 Dimensions: 30.00 x 48.00 x 0.00 Inches Medium: Oil Website: www.pavelsokov.com"

"Artist: Anita Pistor -ONTARIO Price: 872 Dimensions: 12.00 x 12.00 x 0.75 Inches Medium: Oil Website: https://www.anitapistorart.com"

"Artist: Fabang Pei -ZJ Price: Not For Sale Dimensions: 70.00 x 56.00 x 3.00 Centimeters Medium: Acrylics Website: "

"Artist: Dan Liu -BEIJING Price: 6285 Dimensions: 80.00 x 100.00 x 3.00 Centimeters Medium: Oil Website: "

"Artist: Chantel Barber -TN Price: Not For Sale Dimensions: 24.00 x 20.00 x 0.25 Inches Medium: Acrylics Website: https://www.chantellynnbarber.com"

"Artist: Jane Hunt -CO Price: Not For Sale Dimensions: 30.00 x 24.00 x 0.00 Inches Medium: Oil Website: www.janehuntart.com"

"Artist: SHERRI ALDAWOOD -AZ Price: 500 Dimensions: 16.00 x 12.00 x 0.25 Inches Medium: Oil Website: "

"Artist: TERESA GARLAND WARNER -MT Price: 7000 Dimensions: 32.00 x 48.00 x 1.00 Inches Medium: Oil Website: teresagarland.com"
selection process
Each entry is reviewed and scored by an independent jury panel. The Jurying panel will consist of a minimum of 5 NOAPS Master Artists or Signature Members. The panel selects paintings for the exhibit based on the quality and individual mastery of the medium.
IMPORTANT: Jurors in the panel make selections based on the image entered. Make sure the image depicts a true representation of the painting. Images that are not displayed right side up or without proper cropping will not be juried. Jurors score the image only and do not see any information about the artist.
All 200 selected works will be posted on www.NOAPS.org to promote sales. Requests relating to artist’s information or sales will be forwarded to the artist. NOAPS does not receive a commission on online sales. Be sure that your website is listed on your submission if you want it published on the NOAPS website along with your painting.
Applications Dates: January 12th 2022 to April 11th 2022 at midnight Pacific Time
Notification: May 22th 2022: Reminder - incorrect email addresses will not allow notifications to be delivered
Publication on website: May 22th 2022
Your participation and support of the NATIONAL OIL & ACRYLIC PAINTERS’ SOCIETY is greatly appreciated. We wish you success in this event and may all your art career goals be met !
Please email contact@NOAPS.org
The National Oil & Acrylic Painter’s Society (NOAPS)