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policies & procedures

policy #1: board of directors

Membership:  Effort will be made to maintain 11 Board members, although this number may be increased or decreased by vote of the Board. All members of NOAPS are eligible for appointment. Interested members may contact any of the Board members to volunteer. Appointment to the Board will be decided by majority vote of the existing board members.

Meetings:  At least one board meeting will be held annually with members gathered in a physical location. If possible, a second annual meeting will be held, based upon financial and other considerations. Other meetings will be held via electronic media connections.

Meeting Expenses:  After consideration of NOAPS' annual budget, Board members will be compensated as feasible to cover their travel expenses to the annual board meeting. The travel expense budget will be decided three months prior to the annual board meeting based upon NOAPS financial status. The financial stability of NOAPS will take priority when considering the actual annual amount designated for the travel expenses of the Board Members.

Voting Process:  Voting will be open, except for election of officers and Board members. The President will not vote except to break a tie. Voting will require a quorum, defined as greater than 50% of the Board members. The quorum of the assembly should prevail for all voting matters. Written proxy voting will not be allowed since it does not allow for healthy discussion and deliberation in assembly.


Meeting Format:  Robert’s Rules will be followed for voting and other meeting processes.

Term: Board members are appointed by the Board for a three year term. Reappointment to the Board will be unlimited.


Date:  approved by Board of Directors: September 3rd, 2016.

policy #2: current committees

General Comments:  Committees shall be formed by the Board of Directors to work on specific parts of the activity of NOAPS. The Committee Chair shall be appointed during the annual board meeting or by the President with board approval as need arises. To facilitate the committees’ discharge of their responsibility, the Chair will recruit from active NOAPS members to participate in the activity of the committee. The Chair will report the completed activities to the President and/or the board at large.

Membership Committee:  This committee is responsible for communication with artist members. It includes special consideration for Canadian and other International members.

Exhibition Selection and Management Committee:  This committee seeks and selects appropriate venues for NOAPS exhibitions at galleries, art centers, and museums. Once a venue has been selected, it facilitates planning and completion of the exhibition with the venue.

Signature Artist Guild Committee: This committee maintains communication with the Signature and Master members of NOAPS. It plans special events for the Signature Artist Guild.

Publicity and Marketing Committee:  This committee conducts most publicity and marketing of NOAPS, particularly via the Society’s website and other electronic social media. It maintains the NOAPS website.

Sponsorship and Awards Committee:  This committee seeks and maintains relationships with NOAPS sponsors. With the President and Treasurer, it proposes the value of cash awards at NOAPS exhibitions, based on available funds. It plans and provides sponsor-supported awards at NOAPS exhibitions. It also provides catalogs for some of the exhibitions.

Jury and Judge Committee:   This committee is responsible for conducting the jury process used for each exhibition. It also recruits judges for the various NOAPS exhibits.

Date:  approved by Board of Directors: September 3rd, 2016 

policy #3: membership reinstatement

Associate Artist Members:  Artists who have allowed their membership to expire by not paying their annual dues may rejoin NOAPS at any time. The membership year begins each January 1st and ends December 31st.  Members are given a grace period until April 1st before they are dropped from active membership.  Any progress that they had previously made toward Signature or Master Member status will be forfeited at the time their active membership is dropped.   If the member rejoins by paying their membership dues before December 31st of the year of dropped membership there will be an automatic reinstatement of points earned.  Additional years of membership lapse would be considered for reinstatement of points based on financial or medical hardship or situations of natural disaster.   The member must petition the Board in writing, after which the Board would consider the request and make a determination.

Signature and Master Artist Members: Signature and Master Members who have allowed their membership to expire by not paying their annual dues may rejoin at any time. However, they will rejoin as Associate Artist Members. They are eligible to repeat the qualification process toward Signature and Master Membership. If the member rejoins by paying their membership dues before December 31st of the year of dropped membership there will be an automatic reinstatement Signature or Master status.  Additional years of membership lapse would be considered for reinstatement of Signature or Master status based on financial or medical hardship or situations of natural disaster.   The member must petition the Board in writing, after which the Board would consider the request and make a determination.

Winners of Previous NOAPS Awards:   Previous winners of awards at any NOAPS exhibition who have allowed their membership to expire by not paying their annual dues may rejoin at any time. They may participate in NOAPS exhibitions upon renewal of their membership. This includes receiving the artist share from sales of their paintings, as designated in the prospectus for each exhibition.


Special Circumstances: NOAPS Artist, Signature and Master artist members who must take a hiatus from membership due to medical, financial or other extenuating circumstances may petition the NOAPS Board for at most a two year grace period.  Such requests should be sent to The Board will review the case and may allow a two year grace period to the member, after which, when reinstatement and dues payment occurs, the member will retain previous member status and benefits.


Date:  approved by Board of Directors: September 3rd, 2016

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