on-line international spring 2017
Exhibition Dates: November 13, 2017- December 30, 2017 at: Cathy Kline Gallery (CLOSED)
Application Dates: May 20, 2017- August 13, 2017
Notification Date: August 29, 2017
awards judge
Hebe Brooks/ NOAPS Master Artist
Hebe Brooks grew up in the windy and cold land of Patagonia but began traveling at an early age. Her first college degree with an emphasis in world cultures led her to travel extensively and to work in different parts of the world visiting art museums and archaeological sites from Europe to the Far East and all through the Americas. A second college degree in Fine Arts-Studio Painting and Art History from the University of Houston with the banner carrier distinction for the School of Art consolidated her devotion to art. Further training as a docent for the Museum of Fine Arts Houston has led her to appreciate different art styles from the perspective of curators, viewers and as an artist.
Hebe is a current member of several artists’ associations and she has received numerous international and national awards in all genre – Still Life, landscapes and portraiture. Her art has been exhibited in galleries throughout the United States and it is part of public and private collections.
Art writers have recognized Hebe’s work in several publications including catalogs, art books, and art magazines such as the International Artist Magazine, Southwest Art Magazine and American Art Collector.
Hebe is a Master Artist of the National Oil & Acrylic Painters’ Society (NOAPS) and she currently resides in Texas with her family.
award winners & accepted artists
Click HERE to see a list of the award winners!
"Artist: Priya Ahlawat -PA Price: 950 Dimensions: 8.00 x 10.00 x 0.25 Inches Website: www.priyaahlawat.com"
"Artist: HARRY AHN -MI Price: $1 400.00 Dimensions: 12.00 x 12.00 x 2.00 Inches Website: "
"Artist: TOM ALTENBURG -MO Price: $1 100.00 Dimensions: 15.50 x 12.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: natureartists.com/tom_altenburg"
"Artist: Susan Anderson -IL Price: 985 Dimensions: 12.00 x 16.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: www.susanandersonfineart.com"
"Artist: Kurt Anderson -MI Price: 820 Dimensions: 16.00 x 12.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: kurtbriananderson.com"
"Artist: GEORGE ANGELINI -NY Price: $1 500.00 Dimensions: 11.00 x 14.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: http://www.georgeangelini.com"
"Artist: Blair Atherholt -PA Price: 775 Dimensions: 11.00 x 11.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: http://wblairatherholt.blogspot.com"
"Artist: Blair Atherholt -PA Price: 650 Dimensions: 8.00 x 6.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: http://wblairatherholt.blogspot.com"
"Artist: ERNIE BABER -CA Price: $1 600.00 Dimensions: 12.00 x 14.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: "
"Artist: DEL-BOURREE BACH -CT Price: $1 600.00 Dimensions: 8.00 x 8.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: "
"Artist: DEL-BOURREE BACH -CT Price: $1 200.00 Dimensions: 6.00 x 9.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: ."
"Artist: DEL-BOURREE BACH -CT Price: $1 600.00 Dimensions: 8.00 x 8.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: ."
"Artist: Chantel Barber -TN Price: 445 Dimensions: 6.00 x 6.00 x 0.12 Inches Website: www.chantelsoriginals.com"
"Artist: STACY BARTER -FL Price: $1 000.00 Dimensions: 8.00 x 10.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: www.stacybarter.com"
"Artist: STACY BARTER -FL Price: $2 000.00 Dimensions: 12.00 x 16.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: www.stacybarter.com"
"Artist: Linda Blackburn -FL Price: $2 200.00 Dimensions: 8.00 x 10.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: lindaeadesblackburn.com"
"Artist: SUSAN BLACKWOOD -MT Price: 900 Dimensions: 8.00 x 10.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: susanblackwood.com"
"Artist: Meagan Abra Blessing -MT Price: $1 400.00 Dimensions: 12.00 x 16.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: www.blessingfineart.com"
"Artist: Yvonne Bonacci -CA Price: 925 Dimensions: 11.00 x 14.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: yvonnebonacci.com"
"Artist: TIM BREAUX -MO Price: 800 Dimensions: 12.00 x 16.00 x 0.12 Inches Website: www.timbreaux.com"
"Artist: TIM BREAUX -MO Price: 600 Dimensions: 8.00 x 16.00 x 0.12 Inches Website: www.timbreaux.com"
"Artist: WILLIAM BRODY -MI Price: 450 Dimensions: 11.00 x 14.00 x 0.25 Inches Website: http://wbrody.com"
"Artist: VICTORIA BROOKS -CA Price: 750 Dimensions: 8.00 x 16.00 x 0.25 Inches Website: "
"Artist: KAREN BUDAN -AZ Price: 650 Dimensions: 8.00 x 10.00 x 0.25 Inches Website: www.karenbudan.com"
"Artist: KAREN BUDAN -AZ Price: 450 Dimensions: 6.00 x 6.00 x 0.25 Inches Website: www.karenbudan.com"
"Artist: KAREN BUDAN -AZ Price: 450 Dimensions: 6.00 x 6.00 x 0.25 Inches Website: www.karenbudan.com"
"Artist: SUSAN BUDASH -TN Price: $1 100.00 Dimensions: 12.00 x 16.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: susanbudash.com"
"Artist: Dan Bulleit -IN Price: 625 Dimensions: 16.00 x 12.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: dbulleit.fineartstudioonline.com"
"Artist: JOHN CAGGIANO -MA Price: $1 200.00 Dimensions: 9.00 x 12.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: johncaggiano.com"
"Artist: PETER CAMPBELL -CO Price: $1 700.00 Dimensions: 12.00 x 12.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: www.campbellfineart.com"
"Artist: Juan Cantavella -TX Price: $1 100.00 Dimensions: 14.00 x 11.00 x 1.50 Inches Website: www.cantavellartist.com"
"Artist: Victoria Castillo -TX Price: $1 495.00 Dimensions: 16.00 x 10.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: "
"Artist: Rosanne Cerbo -NY Price: $5 000.00 Dimensions: 8.00 x 10.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: rosannecerbofineart.com
"Artist: Monique Chartier -KS Price: 325 Dimensions: 6.00 x 6.00 x 0.66 Inches Website:
"Artist: INNA CHERNEYKINA -CA Price: 650 Dimensions: 12.00 x 12.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: www.inna-art.net"
"Artist: Malcolm Christhilf -PA Price: 450 Dimensions: 11.50 x 10.50 x 3.00 Inches Website: info@malcolmchristhilf.com
"Artist: ADAM CLAGUE -MO Price: 690 Dimensions: 12.00 x 9.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: www.adamclague.com"
"Artist: Hilarie Couture -WA Price: 650 Dimensions: 12.00 x 16.00 x 2.00 Inches Website: www.hcouturearts.com"
"Artist: Steven Creighton -IN Price: 900 Dimensions: 12.00 x 9.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: stevecreightonart.com"
"Artist: Steven Creighton -IN Price: 800 Dimensions: 8.00 x 10.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: stevecreightonart.com"
"Artist: NANCY CROOKSTON -CA Price: $2 200.00 Dimensions: 20.00 x 6.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: "
"Artist: DONALD CURRAN -MO Price: $1 500.00 Dimensions: 11.00 x 14.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: donaldcurranfineart.com"
"Artist: DONALD CURRAN -MO Price: 800 Dimensions: 10.00 x 8.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: donaldcurranfineart.com"
"Artist: DONALD CURRAN -MO Price: 800 Dimensions: 8.00 x 10.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: donaldcurranfineart.com"
"Artist: MATTHEW CUTTER -FL Price: $1 350.00 Dimensions: 10.00 x 8.00 x 0.25 Inches Website: http://www.matthewjcutter.com/"
"Artist: MARY ANN DAVIS -IN Price: 950 Dimensions: 12.00 x 12.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: www.madavisart.com"
"Artist: Joye DeGoede -AZ Price: $1 100.00 Dimensions: 11.00 x 14.00 x 2.00 Inches Website: www.joyesart.com"
"Artist: LARRY DEGRAFF -MO Price: $1 100.00 Dimensions: 14.00 x 14.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: www.larrydegraff.com"
"Artist: Ryan Delgado -MO Price: $1 200.00 Dimensions: 8.00 x 10.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: http://ryandelgadoart.blogspot.com"
"Artist: Carol Devereaux -TX Price: 425 Dimensions: 6.00 x 6.00 x 1.25 Inches Website: www.caroldevereaux.com
"Artist: LOREN DIBENEDETTO -NC Price: $1 200.00 Dimensions: 12.00 x 12.00 x 1.50 Inches Website: lorendibenedetto.com"
"Artist: Tenley DuBois -WA Price: 350 Dimensions: 10.00 x 10.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: www.tenleydubois.com"
"Artist: LANIE FRANZA -WA Price: 475 Dimensions: 11.00 x 14.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: www.laniefranza.com"
"Artist: Rusty Frentner -MI Price: 475 Dimensions: 8.00 x 12.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: "
"Artist: Rusty Frentner -MI Price: 475 Dimensions: 5.75 x 8.75 x 0.00 Inches Website: "
"Artist: HOWARD FRIEDLAND OPA AIS -MT Price: $1 800.00 Dimensions: 12.00 x 16.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: www.howardfriedland.com"
"Artist: HOWARD FRIEDLAND OPA AIS -MT Price: $1 500.00 Dimensions: 10.00 x 12.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: www.howardfriedland.com"
"Artist: BERRY FRITZ -TX Price: $1 400.00 Dimensions: 11.00 x 14.00 x 14.00 Inches Website: "
"Artist: Tina Garrett -MO Price: 900 Dimensions: 12.00 x 9.00 x 0.25 Inches Website: www.tinagarrett.com"
"Artist: AIDA GARRITY -OH Price: 800 Dimensions: 11.00 x 14.00 x 0.25 Inches Website: www.aidabgarrity.com"
"Artist: AIDA GARRITY -OH Price: 600 Dimensions: 8.00 x 10.00 x 0.25 Inches Website: www.aidabgarrity.com"
"Artist: BETTY GATES -TX Price: 975 Dimensions: 9.00 x 12.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: www.b-r-gates-art.com"
"Artist: LYNN GERTENBACH -CA Price: $1 600.00 Dimensions: 12.00 x 9.00 x 12.00 Inches Website: http://lynngertenbachart.com"
"Artist: JOHN GILLULY -MO Price: 600 Dimensions: 16.00 x 12.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: www.gillulyfineart.com"
"Artist: JEREMY GOODDING -NE Price: $2 000.00 Dimensions: 16.00 x 12.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: "
"Artist: HANS GUERIN -MD Price: 750 Dimensions: 10.00 x 8.00 x 0.50 Inches Website: hansguerin.com"
"Artist: ROBERT GUNN -MO Price: 950 Dimensions: 12.00 x 16.00 x 0.03 Inches Website: "
"Artist: DIANN HAIST -AK Price: 510 Dimensions: 6.00 x 6.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: www.diannhaist.com"
"Artist: Nancy Haley -CO Price: $1 100.00 Dimensions: 14.00 x 14.00 x 0.25 Inches Website: www.nancyhaleyfineart.com"
"Artist: Nancy Haley -CO Price: 950 Dimensions: 12.00 x 16.00 x 0.25 Inches Website: www.nancyhaleyfineart.com"
"Artist: Wade Hampton -NV Price: $2 750.00 Dimensions: 10.00 x 8.00 x 0.12 Inches Website: wade75.com"
"Artist: ALBERT HANDELL -NM Price: $6 000.00 Dimensions: 11.75 x 15.75 x 1.00 Inches Website: www.alberthandell.com"
"Artist: LINDA LUCAS HARDY -TX Price: $1 500.00 Dimensions: 12.00 x 9.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: www.lindalucashardy.com"
"Artist: RAY HASSARD -OH Price: 475 Dimensions: 8.00 x 8.00 x 25.00 Inches Website: www.rayhassard.com"
"Artist: TOM HEFLIN -IL Price: $1 200.00 Dimensions: 8.50 x 8.50 x 1.00 Inches Website: tomheflin.com"
"Artist: Susan Hensel -OK Price: $1 200.00 Dimensions: 8.00 x 16.00 x 0.50 Inches Website: susanhenselart.com"
"Artist: PAULA HOLTZCLAW -NC Price: $2 300.00 Dimensions: 11.00 x 14.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: paulabholtzclawfineart@aol.com"
"Artist: PAULA HOLTZCLAW -NC Price: $1 400.00 Dimensions: 8.00 x 10.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: paulabholtzclawfineart@aol.com"
"Artist: Ellen Howard -CA Price: 550 Dimensions: 9.00 x 12.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: www.ellenhowardart.com"
"Artist: Ellen Howard -CA Price: 450 Dimensions: 6.00 x 12.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: www.ellenhowardart.com"
"Artist: BRENDA HOWELL -NM Price: $1 290.00 Dimensions: 12.00 x 9.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: brendahowellart.com"
"Artist: Teddy Jackson -MO Price: 450 Dimensions: 11.00 x 14.00 x 18.00 Inches Website: http://teddyjacksonartist.com"
"Artist: DEBRA KEIRCE -VA Price: $1 585.00 Dimensions: 12.00 x 16.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: www.debkart.com"
"Artist: JoeRay KELLEY -AR Price: $1 150.00 Dimensions: 16.00 x 12.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: www artbyjoeray.com"
"Artist: Linda Kinder - Price: 800 Dimensions: 12.00 x 9.00 x 34.00 Inches Website: "
"Artist: Cathy Kline -MO Price: 750 Dimensions: 12.00 x 16.00 x 2.00 Inches Website: cathyklineartgallery.com"
"Artist: SHERYL KNIGHT -CA Price: 850 Dimensions: 8.00 x 16.00 x 0.25 Inches Website: www.sherylknight.com"
"Artist: Steve Ko -TX Price: $1 200.00 Dimensions: 16.00 x 12.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: www.stevekoartstudio.com"
"Artist: Barry Koplowitz -PA Price: 850 Dimensions: 9.00 x 12.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: https://barrykoplowitz.com"
"Artist: DIANE LAMERE -MN Price: 750 Dimensions: 12.00 x 16.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: "
"Artist: Abby Lammers -MA Price: 700 Dimensions: 11.00 x 14.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: www.abbylammers.com"
"Artist: KIRK LARSEN -NY Price: 760 Dimensions: 6.00 x 6.00 x 0.25 Inches Website: www.kirklarsenfineart.com"
"Artist: KIRK LARSEN -NY Price: 760 Dimensions: 6.00 x 6.00 x 0.25 Inches Website: www.kirklarsenfineart.com"
"Artist: Ron Larson -UT Price: 675 Dimensions: 16.00 x 12.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: ronlarsonartist.com"
"Artist: JOYCE LAZZARA -FL Price: 995 Dimensions: 11.00 x 14.00 x 14.00 Inches Website: www.joycelazzara.com"
"Artist: ROGER LEONARD -FL Price: $3 200.00 Dimensions: 12.00 x 16.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: http://www.rogerleonardfineart.com"
"Artist: ROGER LEONARD -FL Price: $1 800.00 Dimensions: 9.00 x 13.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: http://www.rogerleonardfineart.com"
"Artist: AMY LEUNG -CA Price: 650 Dimensions: 10.00 x 8.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: www.adlartstudio.com"
"Artist: Patricia Levey -FL Price: $1 000.00 Dimensions: 11.00 x 14.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: www.patleveyfinearts"
"Artist: BARNEY LEVITT -MA Price: 860 Dimensions: 8.00 x 10.00 x 2.00 Inches Website: www.barneylevitt.com"
"Artist: Ober-Rae Livingstone -ONTARIO Price: 550 Dimensions: 5.00 x 7.00 x 0.25 Inches Website: "
"Artist: C J LUKACSIK -AZ Price: $1 050.00 Dimensions: 8.00 x 10.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: www.cjlukacsik.com"
"Artist: C J LUKACSIK -AZ Price: $1 200.00 Dimensions: 9.00 x 12.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: www.cjlukacsik.com"
"Artist: Gayle Madeira -NY Price: 750 Dimensions: 10.00 x 8.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: www.fineart.gaylemadeira.com"
"Artist: Cheryl Magellen -AZ Price: 800 Dimensions: 8.00 x 8.00 x 0.25 Inches Website: http://cmagellen.faso.com/"
"Artist: Patricia Maguire -FL Price: 400 Dimensions: 6.00 x 6.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: patimaguire.com"
"Artist: MIGUEL MALAGON -IL Price: 700 Dimensions: 8.00 x 16.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: www.miguelmalagon.com"
"Artist: KARLA MANN -VA Price: $1 800.00 Dimensions: 10.00 x 8.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: kmmann.com"
"Artist: KARLA MANN -VA Price: $1 800.00 Dimensions: 10.00 x 8.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: kmmann.com"
"Artist: KARLA MANN -VA Price: $1 800.00 Dimensions: 8.00 x 10.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: kmmann.com"
"Artist: Catherine Marchand -ALBERTA Price: 950 Dimensions: 12.00 x 12.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: catherinemarchandart.com"
"Artist: Remley Martin -MO Price: 600 Dimensions: 8.00 x 10.00 x 2.00 Inches Website: www.remleymartin.com"
"Artist: LINDA MASSEY -WI Price: $1 800.00 Dimensions: 10.00 x 8.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: 16handsstudio.blogspot.com"
"Artist: Patrick McClellan -MT Price: 450 Dimensions: 8.00 x 10.00 x 0.20 Inches Website: www.patrickmcclellan.com"
"Artist: JOHN MCCORMICK -CA Price: 800 Dimensions: 12.00 x 12.00 x 0.25 Inches Website: http://loosebrush.faso.com"
"Artist: Vickie McMillan -TX Price: $1 200.00 Dimensions: 12.00 x 10.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: vickiemcmillan.com"
"Artist: NANCY MCTIGUE -CA Price: $1 200.00 Dimensions: 16.00 x 12.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: mctiguestudio.com"
"Artist: NANCY MCTIGUE -CA Price: 900 Dimensions: 12.00 x 12.00 x 0.25 Inches Website: mctiguestudio.com
"Artist: WILLIS MILLER -AR Price: 550 Dimensions: 11.00 x 14.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: www.willismillerfineart.com"
"Artist: EVE MILLER -SC Price: 500 Dimensions: 6.00 x 6.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: evemillerfineart.com"
"Artist: EVE MILLER -SC Price: 800 Dimensions: 8.00 x 10.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: evemillerfineart.com"
"Artist: WILLIAM MILLONIG -WI Price: 455 Dimensions: 9.50 x 12.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: millonigart.com"
"Artist: WILLIAM MILLONIG -WI Price: 485 Dimensions: 14.00 x 11.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: millonigart.com"
"Artist: SALLIE DAY MOGERMAN -MO Price: $3 500.00 Dimensions: 14.00 x 11.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: www.sallieday.com"
"Artist: Rosa Montante - Price: 700 Dimensions: 11.00 x 14.00 x 0.25 Inches Website: "
"Artist: MICHELLE MURRAY -ALBERTA Price: 900 Dimensions: 16.00 x 12.00 x 0.75 Inches Website: www.michellemurrayart.com"
"Artist: LENNIE MUSCARELLA -NY Price: $2 000.00 Dimensions: 13.00 x 10.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: lennieart.com"
"Artist: PAMELA NEWELL -IN Price: $1 400.00 Dimensions: 14.00 x 11.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: www.pnewellart.com"
"Artist: PAMELA NEWELL -IN Price: $1 200.00 Dimensions: 12.00 x 9.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: www.pnewellart.com"
"Artist: BARBARA NUSS -MD Price: 850 Dimensions: 8.00 x 10.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: www.barbaranuss.com"
"Artist: BARBARA NUSS -MD Price: 975 Dimensions: 9.00 x 12.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: www.barbaranuss.com"
"Artist: Dr. Terry NYBO -MT Price: 800 Dimensions: 10.00 x 16.00 x 0.30 Inches Website: "
"Artist: Dr. Terry NYBO -MT Price: 750 Dimensions: 8.00 x 12.00 x 0.30 Inches Website: "
"Artist: Andrea Orr Clague -MO Price: 590 Dimensions: 5.50 x 12.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: www.andreaorrclague.com"
"Artist: JOSEPH PALMERIO -FL Price: 750 Dimensions: 12.00 x 9.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: palmerioart.com"
"Artist: FRANCES PAMPEYAN -CA Price: 695 Dimensions: 9.00 x 12.00 x 18.00 Inches Website: www.francespampeyan.com"
"Artist: Jose Pardo -FL Price: 600 Dimensions: 11.00 x 14.00 x 0.25 Inches Website: www.pardostudio.us"
"Artist: CATHY PEARSON -OH Price: 850 Dimensions: 12.00 x 12.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: "
"Artist: LYN PHARISS -MO Price: 625 Dimensions: 9.00 x 12.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: lynphariss.com"
"Artist: JULIE POLLARD -AZ Price: 725 Dimensions: 10.00 x 10.00 x 1.50 Inches Website: www.juliegilbertpollard.com"
"Artist: JULIE POLLARD -AZ Price: 725 Dimensions: 10.00 x 10.00 x 1.50 Inches Website: www.juliegilbertpollard.com"
"Artist: BARRON POSTMUS -CA Price: 800 Dimensions: 9.00 x 12.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: barronpostmusart.com
"Artist: BARRON POSTMUS -CA Price: 800 Dimensions: 9.00 x 12.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: barronpostmusart.com"
"Artist: Lisa Price -AL Price: $1 100.00 Dimensions: 14.00 x 11.00 x 0.25 Inches Website: www.lisapricefineart.com"
"Artist: Jonathan Ralston -IL Price: 950 Dimensions: 12.00 x 16.00 x 1.50 Inches Website: jonathanralston.com"
"Artist: DIANE REEVES -FL Price: $1 500.00 Dimensions: 9.00 x 12.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: http://dianereevesfineart.com"
"Artist: DIANE REEVES -FL Price: $1 200.00 Dimensions: 14.00 x 11.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: http://dianereevesfineart.com"
"Artist: KENNETH REQUARD -AZ Price: 450 Dimensions: 9.00 x 12.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: www.kenrequard.com"
"Artist: JASON SACRAN -AR Price: $1 400.00 Dimensions: 8.00 x 16.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: jasonsacran.com"
"Artist: JASON SACRAN -AR Price: $1 400.00 Dimensions: 12.00 x 12.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: jasonsacran.com"
"Artist: Manon Sander -FL Price: 600 Dimensions: 9x12x1 Website: www.manonsander.com"
"Artist: Manon Sander -FL Price: 760 Dimensions: 9.00 x 12.00 x 0.10 Inches Website: www.manonsander.com"
"Artist: DREW SARKA -CO Price: 900 Dimensions: 12.00 x 16.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: drewsarkapaints.com"
"Artist: JOHN SCHISLER -DE Price: 950 Dimensions: 8.00 x 10.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: johnschisler.com"
"Artist: JOHN SCHISLER -DE Price: $3 000.00 Dimensions: 12.00 x 16.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: johnschisler.com"
"Artist: JOHN SCHISLER -DE Price: 800.95 Dimensions: 8.00 x 10.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: johnschisler.com"
"Artist: WILLIAM SCHNEIDER -IL Price: $1 800.00 Dimensions: 12.00 x 12.00 x 0.25 Inches Website: schneiderart.com"
"Artist: WILLIAM SCHNEIDER -IL Price: $1 800.00 Dimensions: 12.00 x 12.00 x 0.25 Inches Website: schneiderart.com"
"Artist: Robert Scudder -MI Price: 495 Dimensions: 6.00 x 6.00 x 0.25 Inches Website: robertscudder.com"
"Artist: ANN SELF -KS Price: $1 000.00 Dimensions: 10.00 x 10.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: www.annself.com"
"Artist: Diana Shearon -AR Price: 450 Dimensions: 9.00 x 12.00 x 0.75 Inches Website: dianashearon.blogspot.com"
"Artist: DAVID SHEPHERD -ON Price: $1 050.00 Dimensions: 16.00 x 10.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: davidshepherdart.com"
"Artist: JERRY SMITH -IN Price: 400 Dimensions: 6.00 x 20.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: www.jsmithstudio.com"
"Artist: YELENA SNOVSKY -NJ Price: 975 Dimensions: 12.00 x 16.00 x 0.18 Inches Website: http://www.yelenasnovsky.com"
"Artist: CINDY SORLEY-KEICHINGER -ALBERTA Price: 585 Dimensions: 6.00 x 6.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: www.goldenkstudio.com"
"Artist: LAURIE STEVENS -MT Price: $1 300.00 Dimensions: 11.00 x 14.00 x 0.25 Inches Website: www.lauriestevensart.com"
"Artist: LAURIE STEVENS -MT Price: $1 300.00 Dimensions: 11.00 x 14.00 x 0.25 Inches Website: www.lauriestevensart.com"
"Artist: DIANE STOLZ -MO Price: $1 200.00 Dimensions: 11.00 x 14.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: www.dianestolz.com"
"Artist: THALIA STRATTON -CA Price: $1 500.00 Dimensions: 16.00 x 12.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: www.thaliastratton com"
"Artist: THALIA STRATTON -CA Price: $1 500.00 Dimensions: 16.00 x 12.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: www.thaliastratton com"
"Artist: SHAWN SULLIVAN -NY Price: 900 Dimensions: 9.00 x 12.00 x 0.25 Inches Website: "
"Artist: Cristine Sundquist -KS Price: 325 Dimensions: 8.00 x 10.00 x 0.25 Inches Website: www.cristinesundquist.com"
"Artist: Cristine Sundquist -KS Price: 325 Dimensions: 8.00 x 10.00 x 0.25 Inches Website: www.cristinesundquist.com"
"Artist: JAMES SWANSON -IL Price: $1 500.00 Dimensions: 9.00 x 18.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: www.jamesswansondesign.com/paintigs"
"Artist: JAMES SWANSON -IL Price: $1 250.00 Dimensions: 12.00 x 16.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: www.jamesswansondesign.com/paintigs"
"Artist: JAMES SWANSON -IL Price: $1 250.00 Dimensions: 16.00 x 12.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: www.jamesswansondesign.com/paintigs"
"Artist: ZIMOU TAN -CA Price: 800 Dimensions: 7.00 x 5.00 x 0.25 Inches Website: "
"Artist: Cathie Thompson -KS Price: 375 Dimensions: 12.00 x 16.00 x 0.75 Inches Website: cathiesart.com"
"Artist: PATRICIA TRIBASTONE -NY Price: 600 Dimensions: 8.00 x 16.00 x 0.25 Inches Website: www.patriciatribastone.com"
"Artist: PATRICIA TRIBASTONE -NY Price: 400 Dimensions: 10.00 x 8.00 x 0.25 Inches Website: www.patriciatribastone.com"
"Artist: MILLY TSAI -CA Price: 950 Dimensions: 8.00 x 10.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: millytsai.com"
"Artist: KAROL TUCKER -NC Price: 800 Dimensions: 12.00 x 9.00 x 12.00 Inches Website: karoltucker.com"
"Artist: CECY TURNER -TX Price: 960 Dimensions: 12.00 x 16.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: www.cecyturner.com"
"Artist: Tim Tyler -AR Price: $2 400.00 Dimensions: 11.00 x 14.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: tctyler.com"
"Artist: Jerry Venditti -CA Price: $1 800.00 Dimensions: 16.00 x 12.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: jerryvenditti.com"
"Artist: Maureen Vezina -MA Price: 600 Dimensions: 9.00 x 12.00 x 0.25 Inches Website: www.vezinart.com"
"Artist: Maureen Vezina -MA Price: 600 Dimensions: 9.00 x 12.00 x 0.25 Inches Website: www.vezinart.com"
"Artist: Karen Vierneisel -IL Price: 425 Dimensions: 12.00 x 12.00 x 0.12 Inches Website: www.karenvierneisel.com"
"Artist: Akiko Watanabe -CA Price: $4 500.00 Dimensions: 12.00 x 12.00 x 0.75 Inches Website: www.akiko-watanabe.com"
"Artist: Christina Willey -MO Price: 450 Dimensions: 8.00 x 10.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: chriswilley.com"
"Artist: SIMON WINEGAR -UT Price: $1 000.00 Dimensions: 12.00 x 12.00 x 2.00 Inches Website: www.winegarfineart.com
"Artist: SIMON WINEGAR -UT Price: 900 Dimensions: 12.00 x 9.00 x 2.00 Inches Website: www.winegarfineart.com
"Artist: YUMI YASUMURA -CA Price: 550 Dimensions: 8.00 x 10.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: "
"Artist: Alex Zonis -IL Price: $5 000.00 Dimensions: 14.00 x 11.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: alexzonisart.com"
"Artist: Alex Zonis -IL Price: $5 000.00 Dimensions: 12.00 x 9.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: alexzonisart.com"
"Artist: Darla Zook -MO Price: 460 Dimensions: 11.00 x 14.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: www.darlazookartist.com"
"Artist: Nancy Zydler -FL Price: 250 Dimensions: 6.00 x 8.00 x 0.38 Inches Website: www.zydler.com"