Adam Clague Fine Art
Painting the Portrait In Oil
Workshop Supply List
Note: I’ll be using Rosemary & Co. brushes, Rembrandt and Gamblin oil paints, and
Gatorfoam panels that I prime with Utrecht Artists’ Acrylic Gesso or Gamblin Oil Ground.
However, please feel free to use any quality brands.
Paint Colors
(Feel free to replace cadmiums with “permanent” colors)
• Please bring: cadmium lemon, cadmium yellow medium, yellow ochre,
cadmium red light or medium, permanent alizarin crimson, transparent oxide red,
ultramarine blue, viridian, titanium white, ivory black
• Optional colors: Cadmium orange, transparent orange, cerulean, cobalt blue
(I use these rarely)
• At least 4 bristle flats or filberts ranging from small to large (sizes 1–12 or so)
• At least 4 softer flats or filberts (such as sable, mongoose or synthetic) ranging from
small to large (sizes 1–12 or so)
• 1 or 2 small bristle rounds or riggers for details (sizes 0–2)
Please bring at least 1 surface for each day. Sizes can range from 10" x 8" to 16" x 12".
• I would like everyone to use Gamsol (by Gamblin), but please also bring
a natural thinner such as artist’s linseed oil or artist’s safflower oil
in case someone has a sensitivity to Gamsol.
• Airtight brush washer container (like this one)
Please bring a portable easel that stands on the ground, such as a french easel,
pochade box, etc. If your easel cannot hold your palette, please bring a small folding table
for your palette.
• Portable palette (please no paper palettes or palettes with walls and compartments)
• At least 1 medium-sized palette knife
• Viva or blue carpenter paper towels
• Trash bags for soiled towels
• Note-taking materials