awards judge
Larry Conrad Winborg

Larry Conrad Winborg grew up in southern Idaho and decided to be an artist at a very early age. At Utah State University, he completed a master’s degree in fine art. Larry became a very accomplished illustrator and his work has been featured in many national publications. For the past 30 years Larry has focused on fine art. His work can be found throughout the United States in both private and corporate collections and his original paintings have been shown in galleries and museums throughout the United States. Larry’s work has consistently been accepted in regional, national, and international art shows.

accepted artists
award winners
best in show

Last Summer Sunset/ Ben Walter
second place

If You Have Nothing, It Comes For Your Teeth/ Lavely Miller
best people

third place

1910/ Sandra Kuck
best landscape

Terres vertes/ Nathalie Lapointe
Tour of the Museum/ Pauline Roche
best still life

Sewing Unity, Reaping Freedom/ Scott Royston
most innovative

Icon of Avalon/ Lori Putnam
best use of light and colour

Club Rive Gauche, Paris/ Katriel Srebnik
narrative excellence

Faith/ Zimou Tan
awards of excellence

"Artist: James Vose - MN Price: NFS Dimensions: 26 x 26 Medium: Oil Website: jamesavosefineart.com"

"Artist: Ying Yue - Jiangsu Price: NFS Dimensions: 47.2 x 35.4 Medium: Oil Website: "

"Artist: Deborah Tilby - BC Price: NFS Dimensions: 8 x 10 Medium: Oil Website: "

"Artist: Fred Schollmeyer - MO Price: $2,000 Dimensions: 24 x 18 Medium: Acrylic Website: fredschollmeyer.com"

"Artist: John Schaeffer - TX Price: $4,000 Dimensions: 24 x 36 Medium: Acrylic Website: jschaefferart.com"

"Artist: Nie Hong - CA Price: NFS Dimensions: 51 x 64 Medium: Oil Website: "

"Artist: Jeremy Goodding - NE Price: NFS Dimensions: 38 x 30 Medium: Oil Website: jeremygoodding.com"

"Artist: Patrick McGannon - GA Price: $3,000 Dimensions: 30 x 24 Medium: Oil Website: pjmcgannon.com"

"Artist: Elliot Appel - NJ Price: $1,200 Dimensions: 14 x 18 Medium: Acrylic Website: elliotappelpaints.com"

"Artist: Lihuai He - Beijing Price: NFS Dimensions: 31 x 51 Medium: Oil Website: "
merit awards

"Artist: Xianghui Zhang - Shannxi Price: $5,000 Dimensions: 33.7 x 75.3 Medium: Acrylic Website: "

"Artist: Megan Read - VA Price: $48,000 Dimensions: 38 x 62 Medium: Oil Website: "

"Artist: Jon Bøe Paulsen - Oslo Price: NFS Dimensions: 21 x 25.9 Medium: Oil Website: artrenewal.org/artists/jon-be-paulsen/7440"

"Artist: Nancy Bea Miller - PA Price: NFS Dimensions: 10 x 8 Medium: Oil Website: nancybeamiller.com"

"Artist: Donna Lee Nyzio - TX Price: NFS Dimensions: 18 x 18 Medium: Oil Website: paintedworld.com"

"Artist: Mary Garrish - FL Price: NFS Dimensions: 24 x 36 Medium: Oil Website: "

"Artist: Christine Code - Saskatchewan Price: NFS Dimensions: 24 x 40 Medium: Oil Website: christinecode.com"

"Artist: Rick James Delanty - CA Price: $3,600 Dimensions: 16 x 20 Medium: Acrylic Website: delantyfineart.com"

"Artist: J.M. Brodrick - OR Price: NFS Dimensions: 16 x 12 Medium: Acrylic Website: jmbrodrick.com"

"Artist: Whitney Brock - VA Price: NFS Dimensions: 16 x 19 Medium: Oil Website: wcbrock.com"
selection process
Each entry is reviewed and scored by an independent jury panel. The Jurying panel will consist of a minimum of 5 NOAPS Master Artists or Signature Members. The panel selects paintings for the exhibit based on the quality and individual mastery of the medium.
IMPORTANT: Jurors in the panel make selections based on the image entered. Make sure the image depicts a true representation of the painting. Images that are not displayed right side up, or without proper cropping, or with frames included, will not be juried. Jurors score the image only and do not see any information about the artist
All 200 selected works will be posted on www.NOAPS.org to promote sales. Requests relating to artist’s information or sales will be forwarded to the artist. NOAPS does not receive a commission on online sales. Be sure that your website is listed on your submission if you want it published on the NOAPS website along with your painting.
Applications Dates: July 8th 2024 to October 20th 2024 at midnight Pacific Time
Notification: Nov 25th 2024 - Reminder - incorrect email addresses will not allow notifications to be delivered
Publication on website: Nov 25, 2024
Your participation and support of the NATIONAL OIL & ACRYLIC PAINTERS’ SOCIETY is greatly appreciated. We wish you success in this event and may all your art career goals be met !
Please email contact@NOAPS.org
The National Oil & Acrylic Painter’s Society (NOAPS)