on-line international spring 2018
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awards judge
Barbara Nuss/ NOAPS Signature Artist

It is the simple things - an old fence line, a window box filled with petunias, or even a familiar pattern of shadows - that are often the most significant. With an eye for the things we remember and savor, Barbara Nuss gives homage to the details of everyday life. In still life or landscape, Nuss crafts her forms, creating a warm atmosphere that invites the viewers to narrate the scene with their own memories.
“Often asked why I paint what I paint, I answer that I paint places where I want to be...places of calm and serenity, often reminiscent of earlier, less hectic times.”
Barbara began her artistic career with a BFA from Syracuse University followed by study at the Schuler School of Fine Art in Baltimore. She worked as an illustrator and graphic designer for a time, to which she credits as valuable experience on her artistic journey.
She is a member of the prestigious Salmagundi Club in New York, National Oil & Acrylic Painter’s Society (signature member), Oil Painters of America, International Guild of Realism, American Women Artists, Women Artists of the West (signature member), and she is Past President of the Washington Society of Landscape Painters. She considers her book, “Secrets to Composition,” one of her most significant achievements.
award winners &
accepted artists

"Artist: Priya Ahlawat -PA Price: $1 500.00 Dimensions: 21.00 x 14.00 x 0.25 Inches Website: www.priyaahlawat.com"

"Artist: LEE ALBAN -MD Price: $8 000.00 Dimensions: 24.00 x 30.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: leealban@comcast.net"

"Artist: Elmira Amirazodi -FARS Price: $2 000.00 Dimensions: 120.00 x 80.00 x 0.00 Centimeters Website: https://www.facebook.com/elmira.amirazodi"

"Artist: PATTI ANDRE -CO Price: $3 800.00 Dimensions: 36.00 x 24.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: www.pattiandre.com"

"Artist: Denise Antaya -ONTARIO Price: $3 200.00 Dimensions: 24.00 x 24.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: www.deniseantaya.com"

"Artist: elliot appel -NJ Price: 700 Dimensions: 16.00 x 12.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: elliotpaints.com"

"Artist: Garry Arzumanyan -ARMENIA Price: $2 700.00 Dimensions: 80.00 x 100.00 x 2.00 Centimeters Website: www.garry.am"

"Artist: Blair Atherholt -PA Price: 975 Dimensions: 14.00 x 8.50 x 0.00 Inches Website: www.blairatherholtart.com"

"Artist: Suzanne Aulds -SC Price: $1 200.00 Dimensions: 15.00 x 30.00 x 2.00 Inches Website: www.suzanneaulds@gmail.com"

"Artist: Pamela Ayres -FL Price: 495 Dimensions: 16.00 x 8.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: www.payresart.com"

"Artist: Poppy Balser -NOVA SCOTIA Price: $1 100.00 Dimensions: 12.00 x 16.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: www.poppybalser.com"

"Artist: ANGELA BANDURKA -WA Price: 950 Dimensions: 18.00 x 18.00 x 1.50 Inches Website: www.angelabandurka.com"

"Artist: JANE BARTON -AZ Price: 450 Dimensions: 6.00 x 8.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: "

"Artist: Tony Baselici -GA Price: $3 800.00 Dimensions: 30.00 x 24.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: www.tonybaselici.com"

"Artist: Anthony Batten -ONTARIO Price: 0 Dimensions: 30.00 x 30.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: www.anthonybatten.com"

"Artist: Yana Beylinson -NY Price: $1 000.00 Dimensions: 28.00 x 22.00 x 0.50 Inches Website: http://yanabeylinsonartist.com/"

"Artist: R. GEOFFREY BLACKBURN -UT Price: $71 500.00 Dimensions: 18.00 x 24.00 x 0.50 Inches Website: www.rgeoffreyblackburn.com"

"Artist: TANYA BONE -BRITISH COLUMBIA Price: 0 Dimensions: 12.00 x 16.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: www.tanyabone.com"

"Artist: ALEXANDER BOSTIC -MS Price: $9 000.00 Dimensions: 40.00 x 30.00 x 0.00 Feet Website: www.alexbostic.com"

"Artist: Shelley Breitzmann -WI Price: 0 Dimensions: 24.00 x 30.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: www.shelleybreitzmann.com"

"Artist: J M Brodrick -OR Price: $4 000.00 Dimensions: 20.00 x 38.00 x 2.00 Inches Website: www.jmbrodrick.com"

"Artist: WILLIAM BRODY -MI Price: $1 200.00 Dimensions: 18.00 x 24.00 x 0.25 Inches Website: http://wbrody.com"

"Artist: Krystal Brown -TX Price: $1 200.00 Dimensions: 11.00 x 16.00 x 0.25 Inches Website: krystalbrown.fineartstudioonline.com"

"Artist: MICHAEL BUDDEN -NJ Price: 0 Dimensions: 11.00 x 14.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: mikebudden.com"

"Artist: August Burns -VT Price: 0 Dimensions: 28.00 x 21.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: www.augustburns.com"

"Artist: Elena Caravela -NJ Price: $1 000.00 Dimensions: 18.00 x 18.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: www.elenacaravela.net"

"Artist: Kathleen Carr -MD Price: $5 000.00 Dimensions: 18.00 x 24.00 x 10.00 Inches Website: carrfineart.com"

"Artist: ADAM CLAGUE -MO Price: $3 500.00 Dimensions: 18.00 x 26.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: www.adamclague.com"

"Artist: Brenda Coldwell - Price: $1 200.00 Dimensions: 20.00 x 24.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: brendacoldwell.com"

"Artist: SANDRA CORPORA -PA Price: 0 Dimensions: 30.00 x 24.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: www.sandracorpora.com

"Artist: JUDY CROWE -TX Price: 0.01 Dimensions: 22.00 x 28.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: www.judycrowe.com"

"Artist: MATTHEW CUTTER -FL Price: $2 950.00 Dimensions: 12.00 x 16.00 x 0.50 Inches Website: http://www.matthewjcutter.com/"

"Artist: tony damico -CT Price: Dimensions: 16.00 x 20.00 x 0.25 Inches Website: www.tonydamicofineart.com"

"Artist: Randi Davis -CT Price: $5 300.00 Dimensions: 18.00 x 24.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: www.randijanedavis.com"

"Artist: luis de mena -NY Price: $8 000.00 Dimensions: 56.00 x 34.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: "

"Artist: RICK DELANTY -CA Price: 0 Dimensions: 9.00 x 12.00 x 0.25 Inches Website: www.delantyfineart.com"

"Artist: Kathleen Denis -FL Price: $3 200.00 Dimensions: 24.00 x 24.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: www.kathleendenis.com

"Artist: LOREN DIBENEDETTO -NC Price: $3 500.00 Dimensions: 20.00 x 30.00 x 1.50 Inches Website: lorendibenedetto.com

"Artist: Lucy Dickens -AZ Price: $1 760.00 Dimensions: 18.00 x 22.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: www.lucydickensfineart.com"

"Artist: Cheryl Doran -MN Price: 375 Dimensions: 14.00 x 11.00 x 0.75 Inches Website: www.oilpaintingsbycheryl.com"

"Artist: David Dorsey -NE Price: 0 Dimensions: 30.00 x 30.00 x 1.50 Inches Website: daviddorseyart.weebly.com"

"Artist: Linda Dunbar -OK Price: 450 Dimensions: 12.00 x 12.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: "

"Artist: GLEN EDWARDS -UT Price: $4 800.00 Dimensions: 24.00 x 36.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: www.edwardsfineartstudio.com"

"Artist: ANTHONY ENYEDY -CA Price: 600 Dimensions: 8.00 x 10.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: enyedyart.com

"Artist: Cheryl Fall -OH Price: $2 100.00 Dimensions: 12.00 x 16.00 x 0.50 Inches Website: www.cherylfall.com

"Artist: Shannon Fannin -TX Price: $8 000.00 Dimensions: 48.00 x 48.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: http://www.shanfannin.com

"Artist: BILL FARNSWORTH -FL Price: $11 500.00 Dimensions: 48.00 x 36.00 x 2.00 Inches Website: www.billfarnsworth.com"

"Artist: McGarren Flack -UT Price: $18 000.00 Dimensions: 48.00 x 76.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: www.flackstudio.com"

"Artist: BRANDON FLYE -MD Price: 0 Dimensions: 18.75 x 8.00 x 0.25 Inches Website: www.brandonflye.com"

"Artist: Marianna Foster -AZ Price: 600 Dimensions: 12.00 x 9.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: http://mariannafoster.com/

"Artist: Ernie Fournet -LA Price: $3 000.00 Dimensions: 36.00 x 30.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: www.elfournet.com"

"Artist: Rusty Frentner -MI Price: $2 100.00 Dimensions: 20.25 x 12.75 x 0.00 Inches Website: "

"Artist: Joan Frimberger -OK Price: 0 Dimensions: 30.00 x 30.00 x 0.75 Inches Website: joanfrimberger.com

"Artist: Ellen Fuller -NM Price: 0 Dimensions: 16.00 x 24.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: www.ellenfuller.com

"Artist: TARRYL GABEL -NY Price: $3 500.00 Dimensions: 24.00 x 16.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: www.tarryl.com

"Artist: Tina Garrett -MO Price: $6 000.00 Dimensions: 34.00 x 28.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: www.tinagarrett.com"

"Artist: JEREMY GOODDING -NE Price: $1 200.00 Dimensions: 10.00 x 12.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: "

"Artist: Elaine Guitar van Loo -ONTARIO Price: 0 Dimensions: 24.00 x 48.00 x 1.50 Inches Website: www.thekingfisherstudio.net

"Artist: MARGIE GUYOT -MI Price: 950 Dimensions: 8.00 x 16.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: www.margieguyot.blogspot.com

"Artist: Barbara Hack -TX Price: $3 200.00 Dimensions: 28.00 x 22.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: barbarahack.com

"Artist: Nancy Haley -CO Price: $1 600.00 Dimensions: 16.00 x 20.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: www.nancyhaleyfineart.com

"Artist: Jim Hallenbeck -NC Price: 0 Dimensions: 18.00 x 24.00 x 0.25 Inches Website: jimhallenbeckfineart.com

"Artist: Neil Hamelin -BC Price: 0 Dimensions: 20.00 x 38.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: www.neilhamelin.com

"Artist: ANNETTE HAMMER -MO Price: 800 Dimensions: 6.00 x 8.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: annettehammerart.com

"Artist: Shuai Han -GUANGDONG Price: $4 500.00 Dimensions: 50.00 x 60.00 x 4.00 Centimeters Website:

"Artist: ALBERT HANDELL -NM Price: $12 500.00 Dimensions: 18.00 x 24.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: www.alberthandell.com"

"Artist: DIANA HARVEY -AR Price: $4 500.00 Dimensions: 16.00 x 20.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: www.dianaharveyart.com"

"Artist: Yongfu He -BEIJING Price: $9 000.00 Dimensions: 100.00 x 80.00 x 0.00 Centimeters Website:

"Artist: TOM HEFLIN -IL Price: $7 000.00 Dimensions: 24.00 x 36.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: tomheflin.com

"Artist: Marjorie Hicks -TN Price: $2 800.00 Dimensions: 32.00 x 32.00 x 1.50 Inches Website: marjorieshicks.com"

"Artist: chad houtz -WA Price: $1 760.00 Dimensions: 24.00 x 18.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: www.chadhoutz.com

"Artist: Xiao Huang -SHANXI Price: $4 600.00 Dimensions: 80.00 x 60.00 x 3.00 Centimeters Website: "

"Artist: Gerard Huber -TX Price: $10 000.00 Dimensions: 28.00 x 47.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: www.gerardhuber.com"

"Artist: Mary Hubley -FL Price: $1 300.00 Dimensions: 16.00 x 20.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: www.maryhubley.com"

"Artist: SHELLEY HULL -CO Price: 300 Dimensions: 14.00 x 11.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: www.shelleyhull.com"

"Artist: Mary Jabens -UT Price: 0 Dimensions: 16.00 x 8.00 x 0.50 Inches Website: www.maryjabens.com"

"Artist: SUSAN JOSITAS -CT Price: 0 Dimensions: 16.00 x 20.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: www.susanjositas.com"

"Artist: Mariah Kaminsky -CO Price: $2 000.00 Dimensions: 13.00 x 19.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: mariahkaminsky.com"

"Artist: Charles Kapsner -MN Price: $8 750.00 Dimensions: 16.00 x 20.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: www.buonfresco.com"

"Artist: ali khoshkam - Price: $3 000.00 Dimensions: 70.00 x 50.00 x 3.00 Centimeters Website: www.alikhoshkam.com"

"Artist: DEE KIRKHAM -NV Price: $1 250.00 Dimensions: 12.00 x 12.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: www.deekirkham.com"

"Artist: Steve Ko -TX Price: $3 900.00 Dimensions: 20.00 x 16.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: www.stevekoartstudio.com"

"Artist: ELAYNE KUEHLER -LA Price: 800 Dimensions: 20.00 x 16.00 x 1.25 Inches Website: www.elaynekuehler.com"

"Artist: Lee Kwong Tim Jackson -CHINA Price: $35 000.00 Dimensions: 40.00 x 30.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: www.jacksonlee-art.com"

"Artist: DIANE LAMERE -MN Price: $1 800.00 Dimensions: 18.00 x 24.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: "

"Artist: Tom LaRock -TX Price: $12 000.00 Dimensions: 42.00 x 35.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: www.tomlarockart.com

"Artist: Alexandra Latypova -NY Price: $3 000.00 Dimensions: 24.00 x 30.00 x 0.20 Inches Website: "

"Artist: Shannon Lawlor -AB Price: 0 Dimensions: 36.00 x 24.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: www.shannonlawlor.com

"Artist: CHRISTOPHER LEEPER -OH Price: $2 250.00 Dimensions: 18.00 x 14.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: www.christopherleeper.com

"Artist: CHENG LIAN -TX Price: $5 000.00 Dimensions: 24.00 x 20.00 x 0.75 Inches Website: http://chenglian.us

"Artist: Tai Meng Lim -SELANGOR Price: $3 500.00 Dimensions: 18.00 x 12.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: taimenglim.com

"Artist: MATT LINZ -MN Price: $1 200.00 Dimensions: 12.00 x 9.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: mattlinzart.blogspot.com

"Artist: Aleksandra Lis -POLAND Price: 850 Dimensions: 50.00 x 50.00 x 2.00 Centimeters Website: http://www.olalis.netgallery.eu

"Artist: SANDRA LO - Price: $1 000.00 Dimensions: 20.00 x 16.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: www.sandralo.com"

"Artist: Marlene Maier -CA Price: $1 200.00 Dimensions: 16.00 x 20.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: MMaier.faso.com

"Artist: Catherine Marchand -ALBERTA Price: $4 500.00 Dimensions: 30.00 x 40.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: catherinemarchandart.com

"Artist: Nora Martin-Hall -CA Price: $39 000.00 Dimensions: 48.00 x 60.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: noramaha.com

"Artist: Sue Miller -ONTARIO Price: $1 200.00 Dimensions: 20.00 x 20.00 x 1.50 Inches Website: www.smillerart.com

"Artist: Vanessa Miller -AL Price: 950 Dimensions: 11.00 x 14.00 x 0.00 Feet Website: vanessamillerfineart.com

"Artist: WILLIS MILLER -AR Price: $1 325.00 Dimensions: 18.00 x 24.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: www.willismillerfineart.com

"Artist: CANDACE X. MOORE -CA Price: $1 800.00 Dimensions: 16.00 x 12.00 x 0.00 Inches Website:

"Artist: Pamela Nichols -FL Price: $2 500.00 Dimensions: 20.00 x 16.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: pamelanichols.net

"Artist: Connie Nobbe -IN Price: 0 Dimensions: 16.00 x 30.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: connienobbe.com

"Artist: LEA NOVAK -NJ Price: 375 Dimensions: 10.00 x 10.00 x 0.25 Inches Website: www.leanovak.com

"Artist: Dr. Terry NYBO -MT Price: 650 Dimensions: 10.00 x 16.00 x 0.20 Inches Website: "

"Artist: Andrea Orr Clague -MO Price: $2 400.00 Dimensions: 24.00 x 16.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: www.andreaorrclague.com"

"Artist: GuangMing OuYang -HUBEI PROVINCE Price: $5 000.00 Dimensions: 45.00 x 55.00 x 1.00 Centimeters Website:

"Artist: D. K. Palecek -WI Price: 895 Dimensions: 12.00 x 12.00 x 0.00 Inches Website:

"Artist: Jon Paulsen -OSLO Price: $16 000.00 Dimensions: 70.00 x 100.00 x 2.00 Centimeters Website: www.jonboepaulsen.no

"Artist: DEREK PENIX -OK Price: $7 600.00 Dimensions: 33.00 x 36.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: www.derekpenix.com

"Artist: Sharon Pomales -OH Price: $6 300.00 Dimensions: 30.00 x 40.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: https://www.facebook.com/sharonpomalesfineartstudio

"Artist: LARRY PRESTON -MA Price: $9 600.00 Dimensions: 18.00 x 36.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: www.larrypreston.com

"Artist: Jonathan Ralston -IL Price: 950 Dimensions: 16.00 x 12.00 x 1.50 Inches Website: jonathanralston.com

"Artist: ELIZABETH RICKERT -NM Price: $8 000.00 Dimensions: 50.00 x 48.00 x 2.00 Inches Website:

"Artist: JOHN RITTER -FL Price: $3 000.00 Dimensions: 20.00 x 20.00 x 1.50 Inches Website: https://www.facebook.com/creative-solutions-by-john-ritter-190075681061711/

"Artist: SUSAN ROSE -KS Price: 795 Dimensions: 20.00 x 16.00 x 0.75 Inches Website: www.susanrosefineart.com"

"Artist: Abbey Ryan -PA Price: $8 000.00 Dimensions: 18.00 x 14.00 x 0.75 Inches Website:

"Artist: zahra sajadifar -ESFAHAN Price: $2 000.00 Dimensions: 100.00 x 100.00 x 0.00 Inches Website:

"Artist: WILLIAM SCHNEIDER -IL Price: $4 925.00 Dimensions: 30.00 x 18.00 x 0.50 Inches Website: schneiderart.com"

"Artist: PAUL SCHULENBURG -MA Price: $7 500.00 Dimensions: 36.00 x 36.00 x 2.50 Inches Website: schulenburgstudio.com"

"Artist: Jim Serrett -IL Price: 480 Dimensions: 10.00 x 8.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: jimserrett.com"

"Artist: DARIA SHACHMUT -CA Price: $3 200.00 Dimensions: 24.00 x 18.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: www.dariashachmut.com

"Artist: MING-MEI SHEEH -CA Price: $5 000.00 Dimensions: 24.00 x 36.00 x 1.00 Inches Website:

"Artist: Brian Sindler -IL Price: 0 Dimensions: 36.00 x 36.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: briansindler.com

"Artist: KELLY SINGLETON -MD Price: 0 Dimensions: 18.00 x 32.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: www.kellysingleton.com"

"Artist: YELENA SNOVSKY -NJ Price: 0 Dimensions: 8.00 x 10.00 x 0.18 Inches Website: http://www.yelenasnovsky.com"

"Artist: THALIA STRATTON -CA Price: $8 500.00 Dimensions: 30.00 x 24.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: www.thaliastratton com"

"Artist: SHAWN SULLIVAN -NY Price: 200 Dimensions: 7.00 x 5.00 x 0.00 Inches Website:

"Artist: JAMES SWANSON -IL Price: $3 500.00 Dimensions: 16.00 x 12.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: www.jamesswansondesign.com/paintigs

"Artist: CAROL LEE THOMPSON OPA -PA Price: $4 700.00 Dimensions: 20.00 x 39.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: www.carolleethompson.com

"Artist: Deborah Tilby -BRITISH COLUMBIA Price: $2 400.00 Dimensions: 18.00 x 18.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: deborahtilby.com

"Artist: PATRICIA TRIBASTONE -NY Price: $1 500.00 Dimensions: 16.00 x 20.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: www.patriciatribastoneart.com

"Artist: Layne van Loo -ONTARIO Price: 0 Dimensions: 16.00 x 20.00 x 1.50 Inches Website: www.thekingfisherstudio.net

"Artist: ANN KRAFT WALKER -TX Price: 0 Dimensions: 24.00 x 18.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: annkraftwalker.com

"Artist: carlene wallace -OK Price: 0 Dimensions: 48.00 x 36.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: www.ccwallacefineart.com

"Artist: CHARLES YOUNG WALLS -GA Price: $6 000.00 Dimensions: 20.00 x 16.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: www.charlesyoungwalls.com

"Artist: Kun Wang -CA Price: Dimensions: 18.00 x 24.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: http://wangkunstudio.com/

"Artist: DongSheng Wang -BEIJING Price: $34 500.00 Dimensions: 160.00 x 60.00 x 4.00 Centimeters Website: http://www.wangdongshengstudio.com/

"Artist: DEB WATSON -PA Price: 750 Dimensions: 16.00 x 12.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: www.watsonwesternart.com"

"Artist: Bing Weng -NC Price: $8 800.00 Dimensions: 38.00 x 44.50 x 0.00 Centimeters Website: bingartspace.com"

"Artist: JOHN WHITE -CA Price: $1 950.00 Dimensions: 24.00 x 24.00 x 2.00 Inches Website: www.johnwhitestudios.com"

"Artist: John Whytock -MO Price: 0 Dimensions: 18.00 x 24.00 x 0.50 Inches Website: www.johnwhytockart.com

"Artist: Steve Wilda -MA Price: 0 Dimensions: 30.00 x 23.50 x 0.00 Inches Website: steve wilda.com

"Artist: Robin Williamson -TX Price: 0 Dimensions: 30.00 x 24.00 x 2.00 Inches Website: robinwilliamsonfineart.com"

"Artist: Natalie Wiseman -MO Price: $2 500.00 Dimensions: 24.00 x 18.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: www.nataliewisemanartist.com"

"Artist: ALAN WYLIE -BC Price: $12 000.00 Dimensions: 30.00 x 40.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: www.alan-wylie.ca"

"Artist: Jingqiong Zhang -BEIJING Price: 0 Dimensions: 82.00 x 52.00 x 0.00 Centimeters Website:

"Artist: Sidney Zhang -VA Price: $3 000.00 Dimensions: 14.00 x 24.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: www.xunnianzhang.com

"Artist: CHAO ZHAO -CA Price: $2 800.00 Dimensions: 24.00 x 18.00 x 0.80 Inches Website:

"Artist: Jie Zhuang -SHANGHAI Price: $18 000.00 Dimensions: 140.00 x 160.00 x 0.00 Centimeters Website:
Your participation and support of the NATIONAL OIL & ACRYLIC PAINTERS’ SOCIETY is greatly appreciated.
Please email Membership@NOAPS.org
The National Oil & Acrylic Painter’s Society (NOAPS)
best of show
Best Landscape
Best People
Best Use of Light & Color
Most Innovative
Award of Excellence
Award of Excellence
Award of Excellence
Award of Excellence
Award of Excellence
Award of Excellence
Award of Excellence
Award of Merit
Award of Excellence
Award of Excellence
Award of Merit
Award of Merit
Award of Merit
Award of Merit
Award of Merit
Award of Merit
Award of Merit
Award of Merit
Award of Merit
Award of Merit
Click HERE to see a list of the award winners!
2nd Place
3rd Place
Best still life
Narrative Excellence
Award of Excellence
Award of Merit