on-line international fall 2017
award winners & accepted artists
Judge - Jian Wu/ NOAPS Master Artist
Click HERE to see a list of the award winners!
Artist: HARRY AHN -MI Price: $12 000.00 Dimensions: 30.00 x 34.00 x 2.00 Inches Website:
"Artist: LEE ALBAN -MD Price: 0 Dimensions: 30.00 x 40.00 x 2.00 Inches Website: leealban@comcast.net"
Artist: SHERRI ALDAWOOD -AZ Price: 0 Dimensions: 24.00 x 18.00 x 1.25 Inches Website: www.sherrialdawood.com
"Artist: TOM ALTENBURG -MO Price: $2 400.00 Dimensions: 30.00 x 20.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: natureartists.com/tom_altenburg"
"Artist: Blair Atherholt -PA Price: $1 850.00 Dimensions: 16.00 x 24.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: www.blairatherholtart.com"
"Artist: Suzanne Aulds -SC Price: $1 000.00 Dimensions: 24.00 x 36.00 x 2.00 Inches Website: www.suzanneaulds@gmail.com"
"Artist: Chunyu Bai -HEBEI PROVINCE Price: $7 500.00 Dimensions: 180.00 x 90.00 x 3.00 Centimeters Website: "
"Artist: Zhen Bao -BEIJING Price: $8 000.00 Dimensions: 80.00 x 80.00 x 3.00 Centimeters Website: "
"Artist: LINDA BARONE -FL Price: $5 000.00 Dimensions: 24.00 x 36.00 x 1.50 Inches Website: "
"Artist: STACY BARTER -FL Price: $4 500.00 Dimensions: 18.00 x 24.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: www.stacybarter.com"
"Artist: Keith Batcheller -CA Price: 0 Dimensions: 18.00 x 24.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: www.keithbatchellergallery.com"
"Artist: NANCY BAUTZMANN -AZ Price: $3 200.00 Dimensions: 18.00 x 24.00 x 1.25 Inches Website: www.nancybautzmann.com"
"Artist: Rose Ann Bernatovich -CT Price: $2 500.00 Dimensions: 16.00 x 20.00 x 0.25 Inches Website: www.roseannstudio.com
"Artist: Ashwini Bharathula -AZ Price: $7 250.00 Dimensions: 24.00 x 36.00 x 2.00 Inches Website: https://www.facebook.com/ashwini-bharathula-1520914468212564/
"Artist: Victor Blakey -TX Price: $3 900.00 Dimensions: 28.00 x 22.00 x 0.75 Inches Website: www.victorblakeyfineart.com
"Artist: Yvonne Bonacci -CA Price: 0 Dimensions: 30.00 x 15.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: yvonnebonacci.com
"Artist: Beverly Boren -TX Price: $6 000.00 Dimensions: 40.00 x 60.00 x 1.00 Inches Website:
"Artist: ALEXANDER BOSTIC -MS Price: $5 500.00 Dimensions: 34.00 x 34.00 x 2.00 Inches Website: www.alexbostic.com
"Artist: Kathryn Brashears -TN Price: 0 Dimensions: 14.00 x 11.00 x 0.25 Inches Website: ksbrashears.com
"Artist: Kim Brecklein -AR Price: $1 600.00 Dimensions: 16.00 x 20.00 x 0.50 Inches Website: kimbrecklein.com
"Artist: Charlene Brown -IN Price: $1 320.00 Dimensions: 16.00 x 12.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: "
"Artist: Sandra Burm -GA Price: $4 800.00 Dimensions: 8.00 x 10.00 x 0.12 Inches Website: http://sandra-burm.fineartamerica.com/"
"Artist: Karen Cahill -CA Price: $1 800.00 Dimensions: 8.00 x 10.00 x 3.75 Inches Website: www.karencahill.com"
"Artist: PETER CAMPBELL -CO Price: $2 400.00 Dimensions: 20.00 x 16.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: www.campbellfineart.com"
"Artist: Kathleen Carr -MD Price: 0 Dimensions: 24.00 x 18.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: carrfineart.com"
"Artist: Rosanne Cerbo -NY Price: $6 500.00 Dimensions: 18.00 x 24.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: rosannecerbofineart.com
"Artist: Yong Chen -FUJIAN PROVINCE Price: $70 000.00 Dimensions: 70.00 x 50.00 x 3.00 Centimeters Website:
"Artist: Changhai Chen -LIAONING PROVINCE Price: $3 600.00 Dimensions: 140.00 x 110.00 x 3.00 Inches Website:
"Artist: INNA CHERNEYKINA -CA Price: $1 850.00 Dimensions: 16.00 x 16.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: www.inna-art.net
"Artist: MARY ANN CHERRY -ID Price: $6 200.00 Dimensions: 20.00 x 40.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: http://www.cherryart.biz"
"Artist: ADAM CLAGUE -MO Price: 550 Dimensions: 6.00 x 6.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: www.adamclague.com
"Artist: BUELL COLE -IL Price: $2 100.00 Dimensions: 17.00 x 21.00 x 0.00 Inches Website:
"Artist: PAULETTE COLO -IL Price: 500 Dimensions: 22.00 x 28.00 x 1.00 Inches Website:
"Artist: Philippe Couture -KYOTO Price: $1 500.00 Dimensions: 71.00 x 42.00 x 1.50 Centimeters Website: www.philcouture.com
"Artist: Ron Craig -CA Price: $10 500.00 Dimensions: 48.00 x 36.00 x 1.50 Inches Website: roncraigart.com
"Artist: Vicki Crone -IL Price: 0 Dimensions: 30.00 x 40.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: http://vicki-crone.artistwebsites.com
"Artist: SHIRLEE CUNNINGHAM -CA Price: $5 000.00 Dimensions: 16.00 x 20.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: www.cunninghamfinearts.com
"Artist: MATTHEW CUTTER -FL Price: 0 Dimensions: 24.00 x 36.00 x 0.50 Inches Website: http://www.matthewjcutter.com/
"Artist: Daniel DeLouise - Price: $7 500.00 Dimensions: 43.00 x 31.00 x 1.50 Inches Website: delouisestudios.com
"Artist: Shiqing Deng - Price: $5 000.00 Dimensions: 20.00 x 17.00 x 3.00 Inches Website:
"Artist: Kexin Di -TN Price: $20 000.00 Dimensions: 170.00 x 140.00 x 3.00 Inches Website: http://dikexin.artron.net
"Artist: LOREN DIBENEDETTO -NC Price: $5 500.00 Dimensions: 30.00 x 40.00 x 1.50 Inches Website: lorendibenedetto.com
"Artist: Bai Ding -JIANGSU PROVINCE Price: $5 000.00 Dimensions: 50.00 x 40.00 x 20.50 Centimeters Website:
"Artist: WAYNE DOORNBOSCH -MO Price: $1 500.00 Dimensions: 24.00 x 20.00 x 1.00 Inches Website:
"Artist: David Dorsey -NE Price: $2 500.00 Dimensions: 30.00 x 30.00 x 1.50 Inches Website: daviddorseyart.weebly.com
"Artist: Amy Eichler -AR Price: $4 500.00 Dimensions: 40.00 x 30.00 x 0.75 Inches Website:
"Artist: JUDY ELIAS -TX Price: 0 Dimensions: 12.00 x 9.00 x 18.00 Inches Website: judykeliasfineart.com
"Artist: ANDREW ENGEL -FL Price: $1 200.00 Dimensions: 20.00 x 30.00 x 2.00 Inches Website:
"Artist: Susan Eyer-Anderson -CA Price: $5 000.00 Dimensions: 14.00 x 11.00 x 0.00 Inches Website:
"Artist: CYNTHIA FEUSTEL -CO Price: $1 800.00 Dimensions: 16.00 x 14.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: www.feustelfineart.com
"Artist: McGarren Flack -UT Price: $2 600.00 Dimensions: 18.00 x 24.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: www.flackstudio.com"
"Artist: Jane Flowers -LA Price: $3 500.00 Dimensions: 60.00 x 30.00 x 2.00 Inches Website: janeflowersartist.com"
"Artist: Joan Frimberger -OK Price: $2 300.00 Dimensions: 24.00 x 30.00 x 0.75 Inches Website: joanfrimberger.com"
"Artist: Kim Fujiwara -MI Price: $15 000.00 Dimensions: 36.00 x 60.00 x 2.00 Inches Website: www.kfgallery.com
"Artist: Fei Gao -BEIJING Price: $15 000.00 Dimensions: 70.00 x 100.00 x 3.00 Centimeters Website: http://gaofei.blog.artron.net"
"Artist: Tina Garrett -MO Price: $3 800.00 Dimensions: 36.00 x 18.00 x 0.50 Inches Website: www.tinagarrett.com
"Artist: Sue Granskie -NJ Price: 0 Dimensions: 20.00 x 16.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: www.suegranskie.com
"Artist: Nancy Haley -CO Price: $1 400.00 Dimensions: 16.00 x 12.00 x 0.25 Inches Website: www.nancyhaleyfineart.com
"Artist: Shuai Han -GUANGDONG Price: $9 500.00 Dimensions: 91.00 x 122.00 x 4.00 Centimeters Website:
"Artist: MARC HANSON -MS Price: 0 Dimensions: 22.00 x 30.00 x 0.25 Inches Website: www.marchansonart.com
"Artist: SCOTT HARDING -IL Price: $4 320.00 Dimensions: 24.00 x 30.00 x 0.00 Inches Website:
"Artist: LINDA LUCAS HARDY -TX Price: 0 Dimensions: 25.00 x 25.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: www.lindalucashardy.com
"Artist: TOM HEFLIN -IL Price: $5 000.00 Dimensions: 18.00 x 24.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: tomheflin.com
"Artist: Kenneth Hershenson -MI Price: $6 000.00 Dimensions: 36.00 x 36.00 x 2.00 Inches Website: www.kennethhershensonart.com
"Artist: Kathy Hildebrandt -AB Price: $2 500.00 Dimensions: 24.00 x 18.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: kathyhildebrandt.com
"Artist: KIM HILL -TX Price: $1 900.00 Dimensions: 9.00 x 12.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: kimhillstudio.com
"Artist: Albino Hinojosa -LA Price: $3 000.00 Dimensions: 16.00 x 32.00 x 0.00 Inches Website:
"Artist: chad houtz -WA Price: $4 600.00 Dimensions: 27.00 x 18.00 x 1.50 Inches Website: www.chadhoutz.com
"Artist: Jane Jones -CO Price: $30 000.00 Dimensions: 62.00 x 44.00 x 2.00 Inches Website: www.janejonesartist.com
"Artist: MARTHA KELLAR -NM Price: $2 000.00 Dimensions: 20.00 x 16.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: marthakellarfineart.com
"Artist: LINDA KOLLACKS -IL Price: 0 Dimensions: 24.00 x 18.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: www.lindasportraits.com
"Artist: John Kosta -CA Price: $2 750.00 Dimensions: 24.00 x 30.00 x 1.50 Inches Website:
"Artist: Sandra Kuck -FL Price: $14 500.00 Dimensions: 28.00 x 30.00 x 2.00 Inches Website: sandrakuck.com
"Artist: Lee Kwong Tim Jackson -CHINA Price: $25 000.00 Dimensions: 38.00 x 28.00 x 0.10 Inches Website: www.jacksonlee-art.com
"Artist: DEBORAH LAFOGG-DOCHERTY -FL Price: $3 200.00 Dimensions: 24.00 x 36.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: http:www.lafogg.com"
"Artist: Karen Landrigan -TX Price: $7 500.00 Dimensions: 36.00 x 48.00 x 1.50 Inches Website: www.karenlandrigan.com
"Artist: Alan Larkin -IN Price: 0 Dimensions: 30.00 x 40.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: larkinstudio.com
"Artist: Ron Larson -UT Price: $4 800.00 Dimensions: 48.00 x 24.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: ronlarsonartist.com
Artist: Alexandra Latypova -NY Price: $1 200.00 Dimensions: 28.00 x 22.00 x 0.20 Inches Website: http://latypova.faso.com/
"Artist: JOYCE LAZZARA -FL Price: $8 000.00 Dimensions: 40.00 x 40.00 x 0.50 Inches Website: joycelazzara.com
"Artist: JEANNE CRAIN LEEMON -TN Price: 0 Dimensions: 12.00 x 16.00 x 0.00 Inches Website:
"Artist: Shana Levenson -NM Price: $12 000.00 Dimensions: 40.00 x 26.50 x 2.00 Inches Website:
"Artist: Sherrie Levine -TN Price: $3 400.00 Dimensions: 30.00 x 40.00 x 1.50 Inches Website:
"Artist: Guoxiong Li -PA Price: $10 000.00 Dimensions: 16.00 x 20.00 x 0.80 Inches Website:
"Artist: Tai Meng Lim -SELANGOR Price: $1 800.00 Dimensions: 18.00 x 14.00 x 0.10 Inches Website: taimenglim.com
"Artist: Aleksandra Lis -POLAND Price: $3 500.00 Dimensions: 80.00 x 80.00 x 2.00 Centimeters Website: http://www.olalis.netgallery.eu
"Artist: Jun Liu -LIAONING PROVINCE Price: $23 000.00 Dimensions: 80.00 x 65.00 x 3.00 Centimeters Website:
"Artist: SANDRA LO - Price: $1 200.00 Dimensions: 18.00 x 36.00 x 0.50 Inches Website: www.sandralo.com
"Artist: Hui LU -CA Price: $3 000.00 Dimensions: 36.00 x 24.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: www.huilu.us
"Artist: C J LUKACSIK -AZ Price: $1 800.00 Dimensions: 12.00 x 16.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: www.cjlukacsik.com
"Artist: Gayle Madeira -NY Price: 0 Dimensions: 24.00 x 12.00 x 0.25 Inches Website: www.fineart.gaylemadeira.com
"Artist: MIGUEL MALAGON -IL Price: $1 300.00 Dimensions: 22.00 x 12.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: www.miguelmalagon.com
"Artist: KARLA MANN -VA Price: $4 000.00 Dimensions: 14.00 x 18.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: kmmann.com
"Artist: Catherine Marchand -ALBERTA Price: $3 200.00 Dimensions: 24.00 x 20.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: catherinemarchandart.com
"Artist: Steve McCoy -IA Price: $5 000.00 Dimensions: 22.00 x 28.00 x 1.00 Inches Website:
"Artist: Vickie McMillan -TX Price: $17 000.00 Dimensions: 40.00 x 60.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: vickiemcmillan.com
"Artist: NANCY MCTIGUE -CA Price: $1 600.00 Dimensions: 18.00 x 14.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: mctiguestudio.com
"Artist: Spencer Meagher -IL Price: $1 000.00 Dimensions: 20.00 x 20.00 x 1.50 Inches Website: www.spencermeagher.com
"Artist: Dominique Medici -NY Price: $1 500.00 Dimensions: 20.00 x 16.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: dominiquemediciart@gmail.com
"Artist: WILLIS MILLER -AR Price: 0 Dimensions: 14.00 x 11.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: www.willismillerfineart.com
"Artist: Nicole Moné -NY Price: 0 Dimensions: 14.00 x 11.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: www.nicolemone.com
"Artist: Brenda Morgan -AR Price: $2 000.00 Dimensions: 12.00 x 16.00 x 0.50 Inches Website: brendamorganart.com
"Artist: Judith Mroski-Gonzalez -TX Price: $5 000.00 Dimensions: 14.00 x 11.00 x 0.75 Inches Website: www.gonzalezstudios.com
"Artist: Barbara Mulleneaux -AZ Price: $3 200.00 Dimensions: 36.00 x 24.00 x 1.50 Inches Website: http://www.barbaramulleneaux.com
"Artist: HARRY NEELY -NC Price: 0 Dimensions: 12.00 x 20.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: hlneely.com
"Artist: Pamela Nichols -FL Price: $5 000.00 Dimensions: 36.00 x 24.00 x 0.25 Inches Website: pamelanichols.net
"Artist: BARBARA NUSS -MD Price: $2 600.00 Dimensions: 24.00 x 14.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: www.barbaranuss.com
"Artist: Dr. Terry NYBO -MT Price: 900 Dimensions: 12.00 x 16.00 x 0.30 Inches Website:
"Artist: Donna Nyzio -NC Price: $3 000.00 Dimensions: 30.00 x 30.00 x 0.50 Inches Website: paintedworld.com
"Artist: Sally Painter -FL Price: $2 750.00 Dimensions: 24.00 x 20.00 x 0.75 Inches Website: www.sallypainterart.com
"Artist: D. K. Palecek -WI Price: 795 Dimensions: 9.00 x 12.00 x 1.00 Inches Website:
"Artist: ROBERT PERRISH -MI Price: $5 000.00 Dimensions: 16.00 x 20.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: www.robertperrish.com
"Artist: ANNE PEYTON -AZ Price: $5 600.00 Dimensions: 20.00 x 28.00 x 0.50 Inches Website: www.annepeytonart.com
"Artist: Brenda Pollreisz -MO Price: 285 Dimensions: 7.00 x 5.00 x 0.25 Inches Website: www.brendapollreiszart.com
"Artist: BARRON POSTMUS -CA Price: $4 800.00 Dimensions: 18.00 x 36.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: barronpostmusart.com
"Artist: LARRY PRESTON -MA Price: $5 800.00 Dimensions: 16.00 x 20.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: www.larrypreston.com
"Artist: Lisa Price -AL Price: $2 400.00 Dimensions: 36.00 x 24.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: www.lisapricefineart.com
"Artist: Igor Raikhline -GA Price: $6 500.00 Dimensions: 24.00 x 40.00 x 0.50 Inches Website: www.igor-raikhline.com
"Artist: Wei Ren -JIANGSU PROVINCE Price: $2 800.00 Dimensions: 120.00 x 150.00 x 4.00 Centimeters Website:
"Artist: PAULINE ROCHE -CA Price: 0 Dimensions: 30.00 x 30.00 x 1.00 Inches Website:
"Artist: JASON SACRAN -AR Price: $9 500.00 Dimensions: 30.00 x 24.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: jasonsacran.com
"Artist: WILLIAM SCHNEIDER -IL Price: $3 600.00 Dimensions: 24.00 x 18.00 x 0.50 Inches Website: schneiderart.com
"Artist: SUZY SCHULTZ -GA Price: 995 Dimensions: 16.00 x 12.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: www.suzyschultz.net
"Artist: Vitaly Semenchenko -MD Price: $1 200.00 Dimensions: 10.00 x 8.00 x 0.00 Inches Website:
"Artist: DARIA SHACHMUT -CA Price: $2 800.00 Dimensions: 24.00 x 18.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: www.dariashachmut.com
"Artist: MING-MEI SHEEH -CA Price: $4 000.00 Dimensions: 24.00 x 18.00 x 1.00 Inches Website:
"Artist: Pamela Shumway -IL Price: $1 500.00 Dimensions: 16.00 x 20.00 x 0.25 Inches Website: pamshumway.com
"Artist: DAN SIMONEAU - Price: $3 890.00 Dimensions: 36.00 x 36.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: www.dsimoneau.com
"Artist: NATHANIEL SKOUSEN -WA Price: $1 500.00 Dimensions: 12.00 x 9.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: www.nathanielskousen.com
"Artist: LAURIE SNOW HEIN -FL Price: $8 500.00 Dimensions: 36.00 x 60.00 x 2.00 Inches Website: www.lauriesnowhein.com
"Artist: SHAWN SULLIVAN -NY Price: 700 Dimensions: 10.00 x 8.00 x 0.25 Inches Website:
"Artist: Cristine Sundquist -KS Price: 300 Dimensions: 8.00 x 10.00 x 0.50 Inches Website: www.cristinesundquist.com
"Artist: Rich Tesner -MI Price: $2 400.00 Dimensions: 24.00 x 36.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: www.tesnerfineart.com
"Artist: Deborah Tilby -BRITISH COLUMBIA Price: 0 Dimensions: 18.00 x 24.00 x 0.25 Inches Website: deborahtilby.com
"Artist: PATRICIA TRIBASTONE -NY Price: $1 500.00 Dimensions: 12.00 x 24.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: www.patriciatribastoneart.com
"Artist: KAROL TUCKER -NC Price: $1 000.00 Dimensions: 20.00 x 16.00 x 112.00 Inches Website: karoltucker.com
"Artist: CECY TURNER -TX Price: $1 600.00 Dimensions: 20.00 x 16.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: www.cecyturner.com
"Artist: ANN KRAFT WALKER -TX Price: 0 Dimensions: 28.00 x 18.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: annkraftwalker.com
"Artist: CHARLES YOUNG WALLS -GA Price: $8 000.00 Dimensions: 30.00 x 20.00 x 0.00 Inches Website: www.charlesyoungwalls.com
"Artist: CHUCK WEBER -WI Price: $1 200.00 Dimensions: 13.50 x 15.50 x 0.00 Inches Website: weberportraits.com
"Artist: Bing Weng -NC Price: $4 500.00 Dimensions: 30.00 x 30.00 x 0.00 Centimeters Website: bingartspace.com
"Artist: Robin Williamson -TX Price: $3 200.00 Dimensions: 18.00 x 24.00 x 2.00 Inches Website: robinwilliamsonfineart.com
"Artist: Larry Winborg -UT Price: $9 000.00 Dimensions: 30.00 x 40.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: winborg.com
"Artist: ALAN WYLIE -BC Price: $4 200.00 Dimensions: 14.00 x 24.00 x 1.00 Inches Website: www.alan-wylie.ca
"Artist: Baoyun Yan -HEBEI DISTRICT Price: $7 200.00 Dimensions: 120.00 x 80.00 x 3.50 Centimeters Website:
"Artist: Shaofei Yu -BEIING Price: $30 000.00 Dimensions: 70.00 x 85.00 x 3.00 Centimeters Website:
"Artist: Guigen Zha -MO Price: $5 000.00 Dimensions: 48.00 x 68.00 x 1.50 Inches Website: www.guigenzha.com
"Artist: yanqi zhai -BEIJING Price: $1 200.00 Dimensions: 27.00 x 36.00 x 2.00 Centimeters Website:
"Artist: Zhiliang Zhang -FUJIAN PROVINCE Price: $150 000.00 Dimensions: 160.00 x 92.00 x 3.00 Centimeters Website:
"Artist: Junhehua Zhu -BEIING Price: $150 000.00 Dimensions: 146.00 x 76.00 x 4.00 Centimeters Website:
2nd Place
3rd Place
Best Landscape
Best Still
Best People
Best Use of Light & Color
Most Innovative
Narrative Excellence
Best of Show
Award of Excellence
Award of Excellence
Award of Excellence
Award of Excellence
Award of Excellence
Award of Excellence
Award of Excellence
Award of Excellence
Award of Excellence
Award of Excellence
Your participation and support of the NATIONAL OIL & ACRYLIC PAINTERS’ SOCIETY is greatly appreciated. We wish you success in this event and may all your art career goals be met !
Please email Membership@NOAPS.org
The National Oil & Acrylic Painter’s Society (NOAPS)
about the event
The National Oil & Acrylic Painters’ Society (NOAPS) invites oil and acrylic painters from all across North America and International Artists to apply to our exhibit honoring the best in oil and acrylic painting. NOAPS has been showcasing the talents of oil and acrylic painters since 1991.
⦁ This is an INTERNATIONAL juried online competition open to ALL artists 18 years of age and older working in Oil and ACRYLIC medium. Both members and non-members of NOAPS may apply.
⦁ 150 Artworks accepted into the show and eligible for awards
⦁ Current 2017 membership is NOT required before entering the Fall Online . We welcome your Membership click the Membership Link at: http://www.noaps.org
noaps "on-line international exhibition" awards
Best of Show : $1000
Second Place : $500
Third Place : $300
Additional Awards:
Best Landscape : $100.00
Best Still Life : $100.00
Best People : $100.00
Best Use of Light & Color : $100.00
Most Innovative : $100.00
Narrative Excellence : $100.00
Ten artists will receive non-monetary Awards of Excellence recognition
Ten artists will receive non-monetary Merit Awards.
The TOP 150 artists will be given recognition on www.NOAPS.org with Artist Name, Artist Website link and Image selected for this Exhibit.
The Awards in the On-Line International Exhibits do not apply for NOAPS Signature or Master Status.
application dates
Application Dates: August 25th - November 12th, 2017
Notification Date: December 11th, 2017
awards judge
Jian Wu/ NOAPS Master Artist
Jian Wu graduated from the prestigious Art College of Qing Hua University (former Central Art and Crafts College of China) in 1984. During the period between his graduation and his emigration to the United States, Jian Wu was commissioned for works in five star hotels and his works were exhibited in China's National Art Exhibitions. In 1993, he went to study at the Graduate School of Academy of Art University in San Francisco, and joined the university's faculty shortly. He received his Master of Fine Art degree in 2000.
As a professional artist, Jian has had solo exhibitions and participated in group shows in the States. He has won awards in nationwide professional art exhibitions and competitions. His book Pastel Technique was published by China Youth Press in 2005. And a book of his oil painting collection, The Overseas Oil Painter of China- Jian Wu, was published by China's renowned publisher, Tianjin People's Fine Arts Publishing House in 2007. Jian Wu's works have been collected thoughout the United States and the world.